Jessica Wants Me To Be Ignored

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Jessica: I wish William would be ignored.

MaryKLago: That's not gonna happen!

Kevin: Never!

Jessica: It would be so cool!

Natasha: No, it wouldn't! Shut your ignorant mouth up!

Jessica: Make me!

Natasha: *knocks out Jessica* I made ya!

Jessica: *out cold*

Natasha: If anyone is gonna be ignored, it's her!

Susan: Mm hmm! We would never ignore Will! He's a cool dude!

MaryKLago: He sure is!

Me: Yes, I'm one cool dude!

ilovemybooks2000: *gives me a thumbs up*

This story was written on July 23rd, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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