Writer's Block Gets Whammed By A Boulder

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Writer's Block: *at the Grand Canyon* I am gonna make someone not write. I have to do better.

Boulder: *leaning off a cliff and falls*

Writer's Block: Just gotta do better! *sees the boulder falling* Uh oh......

Boulder: *crushes Writer's Block*

Jessica: Oh my gosh! *rushes over to the boulder* Writer's Block, are you okay? Speak to me, please!

Writer's Block: *doesn't say anything*

Jessica: You stupid boulder! You killed Writer's Block! I wanted William to not write anything! It's all your fault!

Tourist: What a stupid girl! Boulders can't talk!

This story was written on July 4th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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