"Can I Cum Daddy?"

Start bij het begin

She lets out a sigh of relief while slumping down onto the booth.

"Would you do it again?" Her gaze not meeting mine as I slide into the booth, now sitting opposite her.

"Do what?" Silence. I can tell she's deep in thought.

"Work with me?" Is she dumb, of course I would. Money is money....plus I'd get to see her more often.

No Rose, she don't see you like that anymore!

I think to myself.

"Is the fuck girl bodyguard back in business?" I watch as a smirk plays on her plump lips.

"Only if you want to of course. I ent gonna force you man. Or try any funny business cus I know you got a girl." And of course Tiff and Harriet have to slide into the booth at this perfect timing.

That was a hint of sarcasm.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Harriet drapes her arm around me, her fingers tracing over the dark purple love bite she caused. A smirk playing on her lips. I shake my head and smile. Her eyes dart down to my lips, making me lick them. She sighs before turning to face Billie and Tiff.

Billie's eyes are wide and glued to my face, of course her cheeks have started to tint red. She's jealous. The Billie Eilish is jealous over me and another girl.
I mean we were engaged...


I look down and squint at her ring covered fingers. She still wears the engagement ring.

The fuck.

She catches my gaze and follows it to her rings, realising I've noticed. Before I can say a thing she pulls her hands under the table.

"Want a drink babe?" I nod and watch as Harriet and Tiff head to the bar, leaving me and Billie alone again.

Do I bring the ring up? Or would that be too awkward? Fuck it.

"Rose I-"

We say in sync, causing us to laugh and look down in embarrassment.

"You go first-"
"You first-"

Shit, we gotta stop doing that. I scratch my cheek nervously and wait for Billie to continue whatever she was going to say.
What can I say? I'm a gentlewoman.

"I...I can give it you back?" I shake my head roughly as she plays with the engagement ring. I place my hand on hers and run my thumb over her knuckles and across the ring.

"Suits you. Plus it has a meaning." Her eyes widen. "Sorry...had a meaning." Fuck, why do I always do this. I watch as her eyes shoot down to our hands before she slowly pulls them away.

Way to go Rose, you just broke her heart and hope once again. But could me and Billie ever be anything again? The shit we've been through, I'm sure she doesn't trust me anymore. I don't blame her, but everything's different now.

Harriet slides into the booth, pushing me across while Tiff does the same. Great, now I'm sat right next to Billie considering the booth is rounded and we are both in the middle.

I feel her body stiffen and her breathing become hitched as our arms and thighs get pinned together as the twins also slide into the booth.

This night could be fun.

After a few hours of drinking, dancing and having random small conversations, Elijah decided it was time to make the night more juicy by playing a game of truth or dare. Of course everyone objected apart from me, I just wanna know what this game could bring.

"Okay okay...so Tiff...explain your last shag in 4 words." Harriet confidently speaks. Now this is something I wanna hear, lets see how good Elijah was in bed.

Tiff taps her chin for a minuet trying to think of an answer. She hums and wiggles in her seat.

"Can I cum daddy?" Everyone erupts into ooooooos and ahhhhhhs while laughing and patting Elijah who's sat awkwardly at the end of the booth. His hands pulling his face down. He cheeks start to turn a dark shade of red as Issac high fives him.

"Billie." She straightens up in her seat before turning to face Elijah. "Truth or dare?" She shrugs.

"Truth." He nods in response to her answer.

"Who would you sleep with at this table?" She freezes, I watch as her body stiffens up again as she darts her gaze around everyone at the table.

"She's slept with most of us." Billie shoots him a death stare before chuckling and shaking her head.

"Fine, Who was the best shag at this table then?" Elijah changes the question, his eyes squinting to watch Billie's face through the dark settling around us.

"Rose." She replies simply, she turns to me and winks while tugging at her bottom lip.


If she's gonna play this game, I will too.

Fuck Girl - 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu