Kaylor: "She'll open up the door and say are you insane ?"

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A/N: Some more context for the previous part, a prequel if you will...

If I owned Jessica Jones she'd be 100% gayer!

TW: Accidental injury, cut, blood, sprained ankle, wounds and wound care

The sharp knock on the door was sudden and urgent. Reluctantly Taylor paused the Jessica Jones episode she'd been watching, interrupting the detective mid-sentence. With a small sigh she then lifted the sleeping (and now throughly displeased) Benjamin from her lap.

"Sorry, Ben..."

Another hard series of knocks finally made her stop dragging her feet and finally get to the door.

The second she swung it open she wished she'd hurried.

"Karlie!" She half screamed, taking in the sight before her and holding her arms out for the younger woman to stumble into. "What's going on, are you insane?!"

Karlie wordlessly leaned against Taylor's shoulder and took a deep, shaky breath.

"I think I cut myself," she said finally.

"I can see that, baby, you're bleeding all over the carpet...Come on, lie down on the couch."

With Taylor's help they somehow managed to get Karlie to the living room and on her back against the throwpillows on the couch not currently occupied by two out of three cats. After hastily pressing several quick, concerned and comforting kisses to Karlie's face and wet hair Taylor proceeded to put one of the aforementioned pillows under Karlie's foot.

"My poor baby!"

"I'm gonna...bleed on the pillow your parents...got us for C-Christmas..." Karlie pointed out, her voice pained and breath ragged.

"I don't care, how much blood did you lose? What happened? Do you feel dizzy? Sick? Is your ankle twisted?" Taylor's voice was gentle, but with a very clear undercurrent of worry, maybe even mounting panic. Karlie just shook her head.

"Taylor, I don't need to lay down, I just want some dry clothes..."

"That cut looks deep, better make sure it doesn't get infected, I'm calling security too, we need to get you to-"

"I really am fine, if we could just stop the bleeding I'm sure-"

"Out of the question, I'll help you as much as I can, but then we really should get you to the ER, that looks nasty and you're pale!" Taylor said all of this very quickly over her shoulder as she left the room to get some first aid supplies.

"What happened?" She asked again a minute or so later as she sat, pressing a towel to her wincing girlfriend's skin.

"You're going to laugh..." Karlie said, sounding miserable.

"I promise you I won't laugh!"

"I may have...ran into a street lamp..." Karlie's tone was sheepish.

"I'm sorry," Taylor said "you cut yourself and sprained your ankle on the pole of a street lamp?"

Karlie nodded, face bright red. "I'm not sure what happened, but I was running and then there it was..."

"I told you it was a bad idea to go for a run in this weather, the rain must've fucked with your vision or sense of distance..."

"It's still embarrassing," Karlie muttered more to herself than to Taylor.

"You're lucky you're cute, Clumsy Kloss..."


A/N II: If you read all these parts or just one of them, or if you were one of the people that submitted a prompt on tumblr, I'd like to thank you! I had a blast writing all of these and I hope you guys had as much fun reading!

Thank you for your continued patience and support regarding my writing, it means the world!

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