Taymily: What if

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A/N: A young girl's hope for the future, this is highly based on the unreleased song We Were Happy because reasons (the reason is that the song gives me mad Taymily feels even though it was likely written wayyyy before them...But the "You were gonna marry me"-line always KILLS me, so here we are!) It also alludes to Fearless.

This is set before Taylor knew the tragedy that was the end of her relationship with Emily Poe...

The last rays of the dying sun find their way into the bedroom of the apartment and Taylor gives the orange sky a look as she tries to imagine what tomorrow will be like. Emily has promised to take her out on a real date, no more late-night coffee talks at the back of the tour bus after mom goes to sleep, no more aimless wandering in quaint little towns on days off too scared to hold hands in the street. This is supposed to be dinner and a movie, the whole deal and Taylor's going to wear her best dress for the occasion even tough Emily pointed out that there might be rain.

Taylor can't help but smile as she plays with the frilly end of one of her girlfriend's many decorative throw pillows, this one being Taylor's favorite as it happens to be one of the three adorned with a cat motive.

A sigh echos throughout the small, dimly lit room suddenly and Taylor doesn't realize the distraught noise came from her own mouth until Emily presses a soft kiss to the top of Taylor's head.

For the last half an hour Taylor's been lying silently, but content, like a cat in a sunbeam, cuddled into Emily's arms on the large bed, but the eyes that meet hers when she looks up from the position look concerned.

"What's on your pretty mind?" Emily asks pressing a new kiss to the nape of Taylor's neck, instinctively trying to comfort without even knowing what's wrong.

Taylor can't help but let another sigh escape her before she buries her face in Emily's chest, ashamed to speak.

"Hey," Emily tries again, softly, "what's up?"

Taylor looks back up, "I don't want to sound dramatic..."

Emily giggles a little at this and all but rolls her eyes, "You, dramatic? Never!"

"I'm serious, I don't want to be dramatic at all, but sometimes I can't help but worry that maybe you'll get tired of me and you'll go away..." Taylor feels silly saying this out loud, but sometimes her mind goes to less pleasant places in the middle of daydreaming, as if to remind her that good things are not permanent. A lesson she learnt the hard way years ago and she hates those thoughts for ruining such a peaceful moment.

"Well," Emily drawls, "That's one possibility I guess, another is we get married and I promise to love you every day for the rest of my life so you'll never have to worry again!" It's easy to believe such a bright, infectious smile, so easy in fact that Taylor finds herself grinning right along.

"I do like that idea better," she admits, traces of adoration for the older girl in her voice, "But we can't get married..."

"Hey," Emily objects, pausing to kiss her girlfriend's unconscious pout away, "it's perfectly legal in Massachusetts!"

A soft giggle is replacing the sighs now, "Oh yeah, are we eloping to Massachusetts?"

Emily's next move is half a kiss half a smile, "One of these days, if you play your cards right, Miss Swift!"

Immediately Taylor puts on an offended-beyond-reason expression, clears her throat and in a jokingly posh accent she exclaims, "I believe that is Mrs Poe to you!"

"You know what? I like the sound of that!" Just like that there's laughter in the air again and for the millionth time Taylor asks Emily to tell her all about the farm her family owns and how it could be theirs one day. Taylor is almost high on the fact that tomorrow they'll walk down the streets in a large enough city that no one is going to care if they hold hands and one day Emily's going to marry her and no one can touch that, no one will ever touch that.

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