Kaylor: Shiny abs

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A/N: Ode to Karlie's Abs... Or That Time Princess Broke the Rules...

Warning for smutty contents.

Taylor liked to study the way Karlie's body reacted to her touch, she always had, ever since their first time together Taylor had found herself taking note of the way Karlie moved in response to touch.

The way her muscles twitched and reacted in moments of pleasure, how her body, used to strenuous exercise, could so easily and gracefully handle even the smallest of movements and make an action (even one unconsciously preformed due to need in response to touch or stimulation) look so controlled.

Mostly though, Taylor liked Karlie's abs. It may be a bit of a cliché, but she'd always enjoyed how fit her girlfriend was and all the little ways you could tell from looking at her, the most obvious one being those abs.

The way they looked under thin shirts, when Taylor could just barley tell they were there. How they looked whenever Karlie came out of the shower with droplets of water chasing each other down her stomach. How they felt under Taylor's hands and perhaps most of all, how they felt pressed against her when she was being held close or having Karlie on top of or underneath her.

These were the sort of things Taylor thought of tonight as she laid in her bed, alone, one hand lost between her legs and the other holding onto the bedpost to ground and steady herself.

"Karlie" she groaned into her pillow, picking up the pace, her breathing erratic. Gripping the bedpost so hard that her knuckles turn white as she imagined that it was her girlfriend touching her, her girlfriend running those fingers in circles against her clit, making her tremble. She imagined running her hands up and down those abs and the way Karlie would shudder under the touch.

"Do you want to touch me?"


"Would my good girl like to put her hands on me?"

"Yes, Sir, please!"

The imaginary conversation currently taking place in Taylor's head as she twisted her hips to hit her own clit just right was one like many others that had taken place in real life and she wished intensely that Karlie had been there to have it with her now.

It only took minutes for Taylor's own fingers and the fantasy in her head to reduce her into a quivering mess.

"Karlie, Karlie, Karlieee..." She sighed repeatedly into the pillow, coming almost violently onto her fingers.

Panting, but satisfied and shivering from cold and lingering pleasure she reached for her phone.

It had been thrown aside and forgotten, still playing some random video detailing Karlie Kloss' workout routine, with footage to back up muted commentary...

Blushing at the sight Taylor clicked her way off the video and promptly deleted her YouTube search history. She did not think she'd be able to bear the shame if Karlie ever happened to find out that she'd watched three of those videos in a row tonight.

Well, desperate times call for desperate measures Taylor thought, chuckling to herself.

After all she made it a point not to have any...compromising material of any kind on her phone due to the hacking risk, which meant that if Karlie wasn't available for FaceTime Taylor had to take her chances with the thankfully extensive archive of her girlfriend's successful modeling career that was available on the internet. Coupled with Taylor's own memories of their private moments together it all made for a somewhat decent substitute to the real thing, at least occasionally....

Going into her text messages Taylor clicked the top conversation and wrote the subject of her thoughts a quick message:

I miss you, hurry home but fly safe 😘

After a few seconds of hesitation she wrote a second one:
Oh, does Sir mind if Princess breaks one teeny-tiny rule? 👑

Better to ask permission late than never, right?

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