Chapter Twenty

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Rain lets Felix know we are in Jisung's room.

When they get back Felix knocks on the door.

Rain opens the door and Felix comes in.

"Y/n? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at the hospital with Jisung?"

"I was going to but the manager showed up and saw me there. He made me leave. Is Chan back to his room yet?"

"He should be back soon. The manager showed up?"

"Yes I was in the shower and when I came out he was there. Jisung didn't know what to say so he told him the truth and he made me leave."

"Shit! I'm so sorry y/n. I'm sure Chan can figure out a way to fix all of this."

"I hope so."

Felix hugged me.

"Have you ate y/n?"


I lied.

"Good. You need to stay healthy."

"All I care about is getting back to Jisung."

"I'll text Chan hyung and see when he will be back."

"Thank you Felix."

He pulled out his phone and started texting.

We all sit down and wait on a reply.

When Chan texts back he says he's in the hotel parking lot.

"I'm going to wait at his room."

I leave the room and walk to Chan's room.

I sit down by the door and wait.

Chan walks up a few minutes later.

"Come inside y/n."

He unlocks the door and we walk in.

"Go sit in the living room. I'll make you some tea."

I sit down on the couch and wait for Chan.

He comes back a few minutes later with two cups of tea.

I take one.

"Thank you Chan."

"You're welcome y/n. I went to see Jisung earlier and you weren't there. He was upset. He said you would explain everything so what happened?"

"I was in the shower this morning and when I walked out your manager was there. He saw me and asked Jisung who I was. Jisung didn't know what to say so he told him the truth. He made me leave. Jisung told me to come to you."

"So the manager knows you are Jisung's girlfriend?"

"Yes. I don't know what to do Chan. I just want to get back to Jisung."

"I know y/n. We will fix this. I just have to think."

"Okay Chan."

I sip my tea.

"This is really good Chan thank you."

"You're welcome y/n."

"Is it safe for me to stay in Jisung's room right now?"

"I'm not sure. The manager might come looking through his room."

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

"You can stay with me. I have plenty of room until we figure this out and I have places to hide you if he shows up here."

"Thank you Chan."

"You're welcome y/n. I told you if Jisung loves you then we all love you and you are part of this family now."

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