Another Journey

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How's the picture? Yee it was made/drawn by NixHydra, I just added the dramatic lighting and dream effect on Photoshop for a dramatic boy name Jul--

Third Person POV

The next day you woke on the sofa, a pleasant scent came from the kitchen and you peeked over the sofa to see Julian. His soup never failed to put a smile on your face, but your lips had been aching for some unknown reason. You touch them slightly and there's a cut on the bottom lip. Shrugging it off, you hop off the couch quietly and tip toe over to Julian, his back facing you. He hums quietly and stirs at the brew, sipping it from a wooden spoon occasionally. You slide behind him and cover his eyes with your hands. Stiffening, he turns and leans against the oven grabbing your wrist gently. He removes them and places small kisses from your palm to your forearm. That small action alone made your face bright red and you couldn't help but notice he had a cut on his lip too. Your hand slips out of his grasp and you place a hand on his cheek, resting your thumb against the cut to heal it. When you remove your thumb it's gone, but he pulls your hand back and gives it a long kiss, a way of showing his gratitude. He places his thumb on the cut of your lip and just stares for minute. He rubs it lightly, warmth seeping through the tips of his finger. Deviously, you bat your eye lashes at him innocently, distracting him, then attacking. You bit his thumb giving you a shocked and flustered reaction. His face was dipped in a light shade of pink and he quickly averted his eyes.

"Hahaha, Julian you know I was just teasing you," you joke, skipping to the sofa again. "But how did we get those cuts?"

"Who knows?" He responds, answering my question, but not completely.


Later that day, the three of you traveled to the Palace to search for answers. Julian had told you about the rumor of another witch out in town. You were a magician, but any where else you'd be considered a witch. Though this witch was different, she was a Sea Witch, those of which are stronger and more diligent than land magicians. That being said for both witch's and wizards. Sea Witch's were stunning creatures who either craved wealth, power, or lust. Some wanted other things, but those were mostly what was desired. But what did she want from this town? There were so many places to go and travel, so why this one? Why did she pick Asra? Did they have some sort of past together? Many thoughts throbbed in your head.

"I see," Lucio says firmly. "Then we must find her and execute her immediately! Anyone who dares take the throne by force shall not live!" He fumed. Even when he's preaching he manages to sound elegant.

"As lovely as that sounds," Nadia interrupts. "We can not afford to start a war, their forces are much more advanced than ours. Being that they have more magicians and most likely other allies."

"So why did she come alone? Is she that powerful?"Julian puzzles tapping his fingers impatiently. Nadia grits her teeth and clenches at the table sheets. You had never seen her look so distressed.

"As you may already know, Sea Witch's either seek power, wealth, and lust," she rumbles. You nod hastily eager to hear more. "If she came alone, she does not wish to be bothered by other witch's I assume, meaning she came out seeking for a partner, lust evidently."

You inhale sharply, recalling the incident with Asra. Julian catches your attention, giving your hand a tight grip beneath the table. You beam and squeeze back, thank goodness Julian was here.

"Is there anything else you know? Where did you find the information?" I ask curiously.

Nadia taps her index finger against her temple and shuts her eyes for a moment. "From what I remember, the Sea Witch can sing an alluring song. Long ago--"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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