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Months had passed since their first guests had arrived, and their days were filled to the brim with battle planning, fighting, and changing the plans each time Savini usurped another Empire.

Mist was tired and she wished it was easy like before, when the only thing to worry about was how many people passed the training course. No other Empires had found Mist's planet since Maelstrom had arrived. Mist considered extending an olive branch to the remaining Empires, offering them council and a place to hide while they regrouped. But she soon dismissed it for fear that sending a message would reveal their location, and if Savini somehow got the message instead...

That could be bad.

Farniir was clearly hiding a secret, though Mist couldn't figure it out. She couldn't read him. He had fluffy hair, which unfortunately covered his eye, his real eye. His robotic eye was the only one that could be seen. Something was off, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. She had tried to talk to him, but she was unable to break through the walls he threw up.

They had been in a cave planning for hours around a large stone table set in the middle, with holographic images of maps and graphs.

"Alright!" Stanton shouted, slamming his hands on the table. "Let's take a few minutes to breathe, and get our wits back," he ordered. Mist nodded in agreement.

"Who put you in charge?" Maelstrom snapped, which was rich coming from a person who had shown himself to be terrible at battle planning. It really was a wonder how he had managed to run an Empire.

Mist pulled out a dagger and held it up threateningly.

"He is a member of my council. You will respect him as you respect the other Leaders!" she snarled. Maelstrom growled and stormed off.

"He does know that that tunnel goes nowhere, right?" Stanton asked. Mist resisted a grin and watched as the Leaders walked away. Pom followed Mael, and Tear stood still, looking at the map on the table. Razor nodded to Mist, and walked over to Tear, speaking softly to her and pointing at the map.

But Mist followed Farniir, who had hardly spoken. She found him on a balcony, looking out over her Empire and she approached him carefully.

He was difficult to be around, as his hair covered his real eye, and she couldn't understand what he was thinking or feeling by looking at his mechanical eye.

"Hello," she said quietly. He spared her a brief glance, then grunted a guttural hello. She stood on the balcony next to him, and he didn't move or edge away.
"You seem quiet today," she said, trying to engage him in conversation.

"I suppose," he responded in a monotone, never taking his eyes from the view before him.
"Alright, I tried to make small talk but I suppose that isn't going to happen," she sighed. "For us to take back the Empires, we need everyone to work together, which includes you not sulking in the corner. Don't think I didn't notice that you were literally staring at a corner."

He finally looked at her, as his full red eye peered into her soul, and she could see tiny gears and wires inside of it, all working together when the eye moved.
"I don't see why I should accept help from you," he finally snorted.
"Because I am merciful enough to lend you my help, whether you like it or not, and you need me to take back your Empire," she responded, struggling to keep her cool.
"How do I know that you won't just rob me senseless once more?" he spat. She glared at him, then took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm downl.
"So that is what this is about. The War of Batertilia," she finally sighed out. "But that was years ago!"

"If it weren't for you, I would have had that planet" he growled.
"It wasn't a biased attack. We were hired and paid a more than fair amount to rob you. We simply did our job," she protested. He turned away, the hunch of his shoulders indicating that he did not agree with her.

Into The ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora