Meeting the New Bots

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The Abandoned Gas Station, Texas

Matsuri didn't know how long she had sat there, just keeping an eye out for any of those humans from before. When the sun began to rise, Shane, Tessa or Cade had yet to walk out and check up on her, which was fine with her. She would probably snap at them if they did come out and say the wrong thing to her.

She could hear the three moving inside now but she didn't move, didn't get up to see what they were doing. She simply listened and then, she thought. She thought, she wondered if the friendship she had made with the three was cut now. If it was...than she'll go off with Optimus once this whole thing was over and done with.

The sun was getting higher and higher now, bathing everything with its light. That's when Optimus rolled up, his doors opening. Matsuri got to her feet and glanced back towards the gas station and she saw Cade and the other two lifting boxes full of stuff and was heading towards Optimus. She waited for the others put the boxes in before getting in in the back and made herself as comfortable as she could. Then, they were off.

As they drove, she began to nod off, body relaxing now that she was in Optimus, pretty much the safest she would ever be. The rhythmic sound of the engine was lulling her into sleep and soon, she was out like a light. She didn't witness the glances the three made towards her, nor Cade talking more about her with Tessa and Optimus. She didn't witness the stop, Cade discovering that he was locked out of the bank account and then them driving Off.

When she did wake, they were on a long stretch of road...somewhere with only desert and large plateaus around. She rubbed her eyes, yawning and stretching before looking out of the front window. Tessa glanced over at her from behind Cade's seat and nudged her father slightly, though Matsuri just don't pay the three any mind.

"Calling all Autobots," Optimus broadcasted. "Calling all Autobots."

Matsuri could see a white Western Star Truck that was coming down towards us before passing us. Then, Optimus started to shift and Matsuri knew that he had scanned the truck and was now trading alt modes.

"That was insane!" Shane shouted after Optimus had finished. "It was awesome, but it was insane, right?"

No one said anything to him as Optimus kept on driving and soon, we got to the part where there were many plateaus and then, he skidded to a stop. Matsuri could se an unknown green Autobot, an unknown blue and black Autobot and another unknown green Autobot.

Cade opened Optimus' door and climbed out with Tessa, Shane and Matsuri following. Matsuri glanced over to the side and she could see Bumblebee walking over the hill, towards them. That made her sag in relief.

Optimus took this time to transform and Matsuri couldn't help but stare once he was done. She thought he look good before, he looked even better.

"Humans have asked us to play by their rules," Optimus began, addressing the Autobots. "Well, the rules have just changed."

"Human beings," The two green mechs walked closer, throwing his guns down. "Bunch of backstabbin' weasels."

"Hound, find your inner compass." The blue and black mech stated. "Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation."

"What the hell are you saying?"

"It's a haiku."

"Cut the crap." Hound grabbed the blue and black mech by the shoulder. "Before I drop the grenade down your throat."

The other mech did not like that and smacked the larger's hand away and pulling out two swords, jabbing one against the neck and the other the torso. "Try it, you'll be dead."

"Please pull it. Do it."

~~You know what? It'll save us so much time.~~ Bee used the radio.

"Well," the neon green mech walked forward a few steps. "Raise your hand of you're thoroughly disenchanted with our little pleasant Earth vacation. So, who's the stowaways?"

The mech pulled out the gun and pointed at the three humans and techno-organic.

"Woah, hey, what's with the gun?" Cade frowned as he held up his hands, one arm going in front of Tessa. Hound quickly got out his own gun to pointed at them.

"Stop. Hound, both of you!" Optimus barked. "They've risked their lives for mine. We owe them. One of them is-"

"SIRE!" Shrieked a familiar voice from Bee and a small blur leaped from the black and yellow mech, landed on the ground before skittering up Optimus' leg, his torso and finally to his shoulder, cuddling into the mech's neck. Optimus smiled ever so slightly and brought his hand up and, very carefully and gently, rubbed the top of the youngling's head.

"...So that's why Bumblebee wouldn't let me play with the bugger." The neon green mech commented. "He's the leader's sparkling- a very odd one at that."

"I am his sire through adoption." Optimus told him. "As is his carrier-"

"CARRIER!" Echomix shrieked with joy once he caught sight of Matsuri. He quickly skittered down the big bot's frame before rushing towards Matsuri, making the three humans jump back in fear.

Echomix paid them no mind and leaped into Matsuri's arms, chittering and purring as he nuzzled into her neck happily. "Missed you, carrier!"

"I missed you too, Echo. You been good for your uncle?"

"Uh huh!"

"...Huh." Hound blinked at the sight before giving Optimus a side glance, which the leader caught. Optimus cleared his throat, straightening up.

"Autobots, this is Matsuri Witwicky-Pax-" he could see Hound's optic ridges shoot up in surprise at the last name. "She has been beside me since the beginning. She is my spark, my Conjunx Endura...the mate I have chosen."

"WHAT?!" The mech explained, mouth agape as he looked between him and Matsuri, optics comically wide. Bumblebee couldn't help but snicker under his breath when he saw that reaction. Hound was a sputtering mess while blue and black mech took it in stride.

"What's Conjunx Endura?" questioned Tessa, making the Autobots look at her. She cowered slightly as soon as she was the center of attention.

"Well," Hound answered. "It's basically like your version of married."

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!" Screeched Tessa, making Matsuri wince slightly.

"Uh..." Matsuri glanced up at Optimus for some help... only to find that her mate was busying himself with the other mechs. Traitor.

Matsuri looked back at a glaring Tessa and she raised her hands up in defense. "Um...not officially...? We gotta do sparkbonding."

"...What's sparkbonding?"

"It's where two Cybertronians touches their sparks and merged with one another. It's pretty much an unbreakable bond."

Cade just looked at Matsuri, obviously trying to figure out how to process this information and Matsuri couldn't blame him. At least he wasn't screeching at her like Tessa is.

Oh primus help Matsuri.

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