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It is said that we have a primal sense, that we can just feel when someone is watching us.

It's been a few weeks and it's clear that you do not have that sense.

It was innocent at first. You were so pretty, I just wanted another glimpse. It became so easy, almost like a game. I wanted to see how far I could go until you noticed me, it almost became frustrating.

If only you had been more alert. I wouldn't have gone so far. It felt like you challenged me. I couldn't stop and you were letting me in, pulling me closer.
If you would have seen me, I would've have stopped. I think. But you didn't. You left me needing more and allowing me to have it, a little bit more for each time.

A longer look.

Following you to your car.

Following you home.

Watching your house.

Looking inside your window.

Climbing inside.

Watching you sleep.

Taking things, wondering how much I could take before you would notice. Feeling a thrill each time that I owned a small part of you, then another and another.

It made me want to own you.

I wasn't supposed to make contact, not yet.

I had it under control. I was content. I was giving it time, preparing for you.

Then, you looked so sad. So pretty and so sad. They had let you down. The men in your life were pathetic, I needed to show you that I could offer more. I was what you needed. You wouldn't need anyone else other than me, I would care for you, you would belong to me and I would never inflict such disappointment in your heart.

I was ready to kill to protect your happiness.

I was ready to kill you if your happiness wasn't mine to own.

They had forgotten your birthday. My beautiful girl's birthday. I had been counting down the days. I wanted to make you feel special, at a distance.

I know you pretended that you didn't care for your birthday. That you didn't want anything.

I saw how your eyes lingered, every day you would look over at the shop with a longing stare and once I overheard you telling your friend how much you wanted the necklace, I couldn't help myself.

You would be so happy. You would know I could make you happy. You would know I would make every birthday perfect. I could give you everything, I just needed some more time.

I needed time to make everything perfect. I was fine with waiting, taking more each time and longing for having you.

But you were so sad. You didn't wish for anything so I knew you would be surprised, I didn't expect you to be crying before you could even find your gift.

Your large eyes were wrecked with anxiousness, your quick hands hugging your body as your soft hair hid the tears streaming down your cheeks. Like a rabbit, you burrowed into yourself.

They had forgotten.

I wasn't supposed to reach out, just leave the gift but I couldn't let that bastard take the credit. You needed to know your happiness came from me. Only me. I didn't forget. I loved you. They didn't love you. They didn't deserve you, I did.

No one deserve you but me.

I hoped you would realize that.

I couldn't see the world with my eyes anymore, they could only see you.

You had made me crazed.

The only thing that could solve it was you. It was like an itch, once I touched it I couldn't stop itching. I needed you to stop it.

I wasn't a creep.

I wasn't a stalker.

I was in love.

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