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Sleep didn't come easy.

Her brain was too occupied.

She barely knew what to think, the whole thing absurd enough to make her question her sanity.
She had called her brother, mostly to inform about setting off the fire alarm but also because she desperately wanted to beg him to come home.
The words couldn't leave her mouth when they talked, the threat clinging to her mind and making her nervous enough to shut her mouth.

She had lost all control.

She had woken up on the couch, feeling both disoriented and exhausted.

It was light out but it didn't made her feel safer, an instinct had burrowed into her chest and made her heart pound in fear as she knew that something wasn't right.

As she looked around her home she had the strange sense that someone had been here. It felt like someone had been here uninvited. It was a feeling she had never felt before, both intruding and harrowing.

Everything looked the same but nothing felt it.

She analyzed her home in detail, looking for anything that had gone missing or been misplaced. She'd left some pizza on the living room table and except the mess in the kitchen, everything was normal but her mind had convinced her fully that she needed to be scared.

The floor creaked under her feet as she neared her room, her chest tightening as her mind began picturing someone inside, hiding while they awaited her like a predator.

She opened the door softly, her eyes darting around the room in clear panic.

It was empty, a sigh of relief leaving her too soon.

She stared at her bookshelf in horror.

The shelf that contained her journals, her diaries that contained her most private thoughts were gone. The five pink journals that had been stacked perfectly and written in since she was fourteen were nowhere to be found.

All of them were gone.

Nothing else was missing or looked like it had been touched but she felt like she had been robbed of the most private and personal things she owned. She'd preferred having been robbed of money or something which's value wasn't so intrusive.
She felt like she had been stripped and exposed, her mind raided like it wasn't her own. It felt like she had been stolen, her entire being abducted.

Rage and despair filled her.

This was cruel.

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