The Siren Song

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 I ate cake. I danced. I opened presents. By all accounts, it should've been one of the best birthdays I'd ever had. Nearly every moment was spent wrapped in Kieran's arms. We were done with hiding. For him, it was because he believed it wouldn't matter after tonight. Lorelei would be no threat. And for the most part, he was right.

It was the part he was wrong about that tarnished my enjoyment of the evening.

By nine forty-five, we gathered in one of the curtained grottos to go over the plan. Niko handed me a package, and when I peeked inside, I found all the items we'd discussed. Kieran gave me a tight lipped grin and squeezed my hand.

"Once you've changed, you'll leave the cove and go the opposite direction we came in. I've got my bike hidden about a mile away. The cottage Tara found is up in the mountains on the west side of the Island. No one goes up there because it makes them uncomfortable to be so far from the water."

"Then how did a cottage end up there?"

Niko chimed in. "Humans have come and gone from the Island over the years. It probably belonged to a pirate or maybe even some poor soul who was part of a shipwreck. I only know about it because my mom was a tourist, and she found them while she was here. No one around here even remembers them."

"They're going to look everywhere," I insisted.

"Isla," Kieran said, taking my hands and looking into my eyes. I studied every shimmer and fleck, trying to perfect my memory. When I closed my eyes for the final time, I wanted his to be the last I saw. "The biggest thing is to get you away from the sea. It's nearly an hour into the mountains, which means even if they find us, it'll take too long to get you to the sea to perform the ritual. Once you have a tail, you're no use to Lorelei."

I nodded. It was the only thing I could do. Protesting would only make them suspicious. With the package in my arms, as well as a few gifts to look less conspicuous, I wandered over to the area we'd set aside for this purpose. Once inside, I dropped everything and drew in a shuddering breath.

"It's about time. I've been waiting forever." Leslie's voice drifted through the dark, and I bit back a curse. She stepped forward and regarded me those strange eyes. "I almost didn't come. I know what yer doing, and I'm not sure I approve."

"It doesn't matter, Leslie. You said you'd help, and this is what I want."

We helped each other peel off our dresses, and I handed her the package my friends had given me. She pulled out the gown, sighing as she ran her finger along the silver beading. The mask that went over her face was of the same material, and it covered just enough to conceal her identity.

"No one is going to be fooled for long," she snapped as I offered my back to her so she could zip me up. Her mermaid style gown was a bit too tight around my hips and bust, but in the night, it wouldn't be noticeable. "We look nothing alike. My hair is far redder than yers, my skin far paler. Not to mention, I'm a walking twig and yer all curves."

Tired of her complaining, I spun around as I snapped her old mask over my face. Is this what I sounded like to my friends? Trying to poke holes in every single one of their ideas?

I rubbed my eyebrows and replied, "The cave is filled with candlelight. Half the kids out there are drunk because we spiked the punch. The other half are dancing or making out. They're not looking closely. Not to mention, I'm not really trying to escape. I just need my friends to see you walking out so they get out of here."

"Kieran Murphy would be able to find you if he was blind. But why does all this matter if yer going to give yerself up, just go home like yer supposed to."

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