Chapter 2

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The true purpose of our departure to Manhattan is because Lissa found a well paid job there. I, on the other hand, I just followed her here, hoping for the best. I couldn't imagine living by my own in my natal town. Lissa was the only person who could make things bearable and without her around, I would get insane there just after some days locked into the house with my mother. So no thank you. I'll take my chances here.

We rented an apartment together. It was nice, nothing too fancy or too big, but we could at least call it our home. And we were used to not having many things too, so that didn't bother us. We didn't need much to be happy. The only thing that mattered was that we were together.

We accommodated ourselves fast into the big city and rapidly fell into routine. Lissa was busy with her nursing job at a nearby hospital and I was making myself busy with finding a job.

I have already presented my CV to some companies around town and I was waiting for an answer. I wanted to start small, by being a junior or an intern or any job they would give me and climb my way up. With my Economics degree, I thought that I would have at least a chance to get a decent job here. But after two weeks of handing my CV left and right to various companies, they were just dismissing me, saying that I didn't have enough experience in the domain to get the job. Um, of course I didn't you fucking bitches! I just graduated last year for God's sake. What were they expecting from me? Where and when was I supposed to have gathered all of that experience they were talking about? Too bad that the shifts I took at Marley's shop every summer didn't count for them. I guess that they would have been impressed by my abilities to make people buy more stuff, just because.

The truth is that I hated living on Lissa's money. We were supposed to be roommates, not the girl who pays for everything and the girl who takes advantage of that, living like a parasite. And I surely as hell wasn't going to ask for money from my parents. I left that house for a reason. I wanted to become independent, and by crawling back to your parents' feet asking for some money after only two weeks, surely didn't mean becoming independent. Not in my textbook. Lissa said that she didn't mind, because she had a good income, and her family was some kind of rich. So, by being the only person left, she had a pretty nice trust fund. But I didn't want to be a leech in her life. I didn't like to depend on someone either. I wanted to make a living by my own and prove myself.

But right now, this was the situation for me. Lissa was continuously reassuring me that I will get to find something and that I shouldn't worry that much. ''Just think positive'' she keeps on telling me every single day. But after those two weeks of constant rejection, my hope is totally gone. Like, really? Nobody needs me? Just a little bit? Can't I be helpful to anybody? All I want in this moment is to find a little job into a big ass town. How hard could have that been? It seems that pretty hard.

Every day, I would scroll the internet in search of some job. But I would stumble upon the same announces from the same companies that already rejected me every day. Wake me up in the middle of the night and I would be able to list every one of them, word by word. And there is no chance in hell that I am going to become some Walmart greeter. I have some expectations from myself after all. But things are going bad and I don't know what chances I have left.

Until today, when I found a new announcement. Someone posted it like two hours ago and it is looking for a secretary to work at some company I have heard about. In fact, I think that everybody heard about it. It is a really big foreign company, with its headquarters in Moscow, that was really, really successful. This company is well-known worldwide for its success. When it boomed, all the papers were full of this news. Here, in Manhattan, is one of its most important branches in the world.

And the thing that impressed everybody is that the man behind everything was very young when it all began. He was only 21 when he started up this business from scratch (isn't that a real confidence booster? thinking about what others were doing at 21, while you are 23 and struggling to live another day into a city that doesn't want you? OK, it isn't that bad for me; I am not starving; yet; but you get what I mean; in comparison to him, I haven't accomplished absolutely nothing in my life; and that is really encouraging, right?). In a matter of three years, he took over almost everybody. He is the best into his domain. No one can compete with him. And even if they would, they didn't stand a chance. He is that good. And now, he is the ruler of an empire that is worth a lot of money. I can't cover with my mind that sum. And at approximately nine years from its foundation, the company is still standing and ruling everything around. Isn't this badass?

Well, in this moment I am pretty desperate. First, I don't even think I have a chance to get this job and secondly, I have never considered the option of becoming someone's secretary. I really didn't want to be someone else's personal slave. Like ever. I saw so many times what that did to people, especially in big cities or corporations. They were simply becoming human-wrecks in a matter of months. Just because their boss was thinking that they had to be at their personal disposal at any time, day or night. I so didn't like that. We are all humans, for God's sake.

I am not a very big adept of going to school, but I did what I had to do. And after many years of working my ass off into that university to get a diploma that I thought would help me somehow, I sodidn't want to become someone's personal servant. But it seems that my diploma is not that useful after all. Like, at all, if you ask me now. I hope that at least for now. Nobody was ready to listen to what I had to say without that damn experience. But if they would have even bothered to ask, they would have found out that I was in fact skilled and had a lot to offer, even though I haven't worked anywhere yet. Well, maybe the fact that I had a vagina didn't help me either. I have seen a guy getting a job I applied for, even though he didn't have any experience either. And may I add that he was as dumb as a piece of paper? But who am I to question that decision, right?

So, I resume to my last option. Without this, I have no other chance at finding a job in this damn city. Desperate times ask for desperate measures, as my English teacher would often say. Where are all the possibilities that everybody was talking about, huh? Maybe down the drain because I surely couldn't find any. So, as a last resort, it seems that I am really going to become someone's little functionary puppy. If they were ever going to consider my CV, of course. Maybe they would ask for some experience here too. Who knows? With my luck, everything is possible.

When Lissa got home from her Thursday night shift, I have already sent my CV.

'Remind me again why I am doing this?' she asked as she placed her purse on the couch and began to undress her light blue scrub which had an iodine stain on its pocket. You could see the dark circles beginning to appear under her beautiful green eyes.

'Oh, let's see. Because you are an amazing person. Because you are wired since birth to care about everyone. Don't try to deny it; you can't help yourself not to be nice to everyone and you know it. But mostly because you love all your little patients. You love to make their days better, to bring a smile on their little faces, Liss. And because you really love your job, that's why.'

'Oh, Rose, what would I do without you?'

'Probably better.' I say joking. But she shots me a hard glance and throws one of her shoes at me. I grabbed one of the pillows next to me and raised it in some useless effort to take some cover. The shoe flew just above my head.

'Don't you say that anymore! Ever. Or I'll cut you. You know I will and you know I can make it very painful for you too.'

'Ohohohoh, stay there little crazy nurse. I think that all this lack of sleep is messing with your brain. Let's get you to bed.'

'Fine. I am exhausted anyway. But I mean it. Don't you ever say that again. You are everything I have, Rose. You and Christian.' she says, her face turning into a sad expression. Ouch, in my stupidity, I reached a sore spot.

'Sorry, Liss. I promise I'll behave next time, so you won't run around the house chasing me with your sharp scalpel. Just out of curiosity, where do you plan to hide my body after you are done? And should I begin to think about writing my will too? I promise I'll leave you my curling iron. But you have to promise me that you will burn my phone after you kill me, deal?'

She giggled. 'I love you Rose. You are the best.'

'Love you too, silly. Now let's get you some precious sleep.'

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