Broken Hearted (Chapter Sixteen)

Start from the beginning

"Let's get a move on!" On of the nurses said as she walked into the room. "We're gonna get you down to the surgical wing and get your little girl out safe and sound." She smiled at me reassuringly.


We were in one of operation rooms, doctor Matthews said that the umbilical cord had wrapped around the baby's neck and they were going to work as fast as possible to get her out.

"You're going to feel some pain, but it'll all be worth it to save the baby." She told me. I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head.

I clung to Mayson's hand trying to find comfort from him, "I'm so, so sorry Mayson." I kept repeating with tears in my eyes.

I never thought that I...we would have to worry about losing the baby, I mean I read it in some books and online that there is a chance of complications during child birth. But I never thought that it could happen to us, or how much it would actually hurt to have my daughter so close and not be able to do anything to save her.

Mayson had been quiet the entire time since we entered the room, and I could just tell how upset he was. I ruined out little family that we were just starting, I was losing our daughter. I felt so helpless all I could do was cry, continuously.

I was starting to panic, I could feel my heart trying to break free as it beat rapidly against my ribs at a painful speed. I fell back onto the bed and I could vaguely hear Mayson calling my name and people rushing into the room, some trying to save MariBelle while others tried to get my attention. But I couldn't focus, numbing darkness started to take over.

All I could think about was Mayson and MariBelle. The two loves of my life, were my final thoughts as I slipped into blackness.


I was sitting in the chair next to Eliana's bed holding MariBelle tightly in my arms. She was so small, so beautiful. She had her moms piercing blue eyes and my dark curly hair. I couldn't believe I helped make something... someone so precious.

"Mommy's going to be awake soon baby. Then we can go home and you get to sleep in your crib right next to us, every single night." I whispered to her as I gently brushed her hair back with my fingers. She was so little I didn't want to hurt her.

I turned to face Eliana again slightly repositioning MariBelle in my arm, "Princess, please wake up." I quietly begged brushing my free hand along the side of her face.

It had been a week and Eliana was still in a coma. I didn't give up hope on her though, she couldn't leave us alone. Not after all that we'd been through, after all that we were working towards. Not so soon after Marie was born.

"Baby you'd really love Marie, she has your eyes." I told her. I tried everyday to talk to her. I just wanted her to wake up so I could see her beautiful her smile and hear her musical laugh. I just needed my Princess back.

"Baby, please don't leave me." I pleaded. I tried to be strong, but I couldn't lose her. She was mine, and I wanted her here with me, with our daughter.

I stood up rocking Marie gently to sleep before I put her in the makeshift crib that they had brought in for her to sleep beside Eliana's bed, I kissed her cheek lightly and when to sit back by Eliana holding her hand.

I checked my phone to see it was just after midnight, sighing I out my phone back into my pocket. Figuring I might as well get some sleep seeing as my two women were sleeping, I made myself comfortable in the chair a dozed off while holding Eliana's hand.


I groaned as I heard someone calling my name softly, not wanting to open my eyes just yet.

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