Surprise (Chapter Five)

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Surprise - Chapter Five


*One Month Later*

Sometimes I think I'm living in some parallel universe.

If someone would have told me a few months back that my life would be how it is right now, I would actually laugh in their face.

But here I am.

A few days ago I decided I would stop letting Joey's presence affect me, I was just going to act like he had not happened at all.

I was becoming far too irritated whenever he was near me and I was letting him continue to disrupt my life even after we have been broken up for a while now.

It was Friday again, my favourite day of the week. I was headed to my car to begin my weekend of relaxation.

Just as the thought came, it was quickly interrupted with the need to empty my stomach contents yet again for the day.

I was getting a little tired of this new found relationship with toilets I've developed recently.

Rinsing my mouth out and splashing some cooling water on my face, I gave myself a once over and returned back to my journey to my car.

During my walk there I allowed myself a moment of weakness to mull over the whole situation pertaining to Joey and his jerk of a friend Mayson. I was really wondering if he had any sense or compassion at all.

Who tells someone know they were cheated on via note during class?

Getting bored of the topic quickly I continued through the car lot to my car.

As I neared it I saw Gracie leaning against it, giving her a questioning look at first then a moment later I remembered I had promised my other best friend I would give her a ride home

I gave her a quick hug and unlocked the car ushering her in.

As we started pulling out of the lot, I saw through the corner of my eyes I saw Gracie looked a little nervous.

"Hey! Gracie what's up?" I asked while still trying to stay focused on the road.

"Nothing! Why? What would be wrong?" she answered quickly.

"Gracie... I asked you what was up, not what was wrong. But, what is wrong with you? Why are you all jumpy?" I said trying look her over while still paying full attention to the road.

"Nothing! What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine, but could you just hurry up and take me home?" she asked.

She's a strange girl, I thought.

I glanced at her and shook my head.

"Okay. Whatever you say Grace." with that I paid full attention to the task at hand, driving safely.

After the quietest and most awkward drive ever, we finally reached Gracie's house. She barely even had her seat belt off before she sped out of the car like lightening I was some sort of disease ridden being.

I took a little offence but shook it off and continued on my way home.

Just as I was about to head home I realized I was actually staving, so I decided to stop for a bite to eat.

I pulled into the drive-thru of my favourite taco joint and ordered a few tacos to go.

As I paid and got my food, I decided I was in no real rush so I found a parking space to eat.

Not even being about to wait much longer I started to eating right away.

When my hunger was sated I continued on my journey home.

Thinking I was in the clear as my nausea had been at bay, had been a another mistake of mine.

I quickly pulled over and barely making it in time before I threw up all over someone's lawn. My bad! I felt bad so I tried rinsing away the gross contents of my stomach with a water bottle from my car, with no avail.

Hopping in my car yet again, I finally managed to get home.

"Mom...? Dad...? Annie...? Hello...?" I called out but no ins answered.

Annie my sister straight from the devil himself. We may be twins but we were as different as two people could possibly be.

We had almost nothing in common, aside from our looks and hair colour.

She happens to have a rare care of "pain in my entire ass" syndrome. I mean I love her regardless, because a sister is a sister but we just have never seen eye to eye. Even when we were younger.

Almost giving up on my search for my family members I headed towards our back living room, where I found my mom fast asleep on the couch while the television was playing lowly as background noise.

Deciding to join her, I pulled the blanket down from the back of the couch and turned the television off. I snuggled up into my mom's side, falling asleep almost instantly.

*Hours Later*

I woke up and stretched my arms out still half asleep feeling a bit lazy to get up and go in my room so took a moment longer to snuggle into the couch and I realized it was a lot more comfortable than I remembered it to be.

Finally prying my eyes open I soon realized I was already in my room, weird.

Not thinking much of it, I decided to just head back to sleep because I was still tired.

Yes, I know.

What a lovely way to spend a Friday night.

Just as I was about to roll love over a get a little more comfortable, I was jolted to a stop as I felt someone laying beside me.

"What the..." I trailed off just as I came face to face with the last person I wanted to see.

I can almost guarantee, I'm going to go insane if I don't start getting some personal space.

Even in my own home!

I groaned and shot out of bed.







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