Chapter 2 - Pain.

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SWEARING ALERT (Only two words, and it's Virgil and Roman thinking it but still it's there so...)

Virgil's P.O.V

It had been a few weeks now, with Roman trailing behind me. He was always bugging- no- whining for us to do something other then sit in my room and silently contemplate life. My wings hurt really bad but I can't do anything about it. Without going to my realm. But how to get rid of Roman? I mean, I could just tell him. I shook my head at the idea. I had a lot of practise hiding from them, I wasn't about to give up now. Suddenly I had an idea.

"Hey Princey," I said casually. "You wanna have a Disney marathon?"

The reaction I got from him was a clear yes. He choked on his 'Royal Oats' and beamed at me looking like I was his one true love proposing to him.


"Ok geez, you don't have to scream at me. Oh, one more thing, you can sing along if you wanna." 

The noise that came out of Roman - I didn't know anyone could squeal that loud.

"You can pick the movie order, Sir Sing-a-lot." 


He put the movie on and the last thing I heard before disappearing into my realm was:


The cool breeze that greeted me was the most welcoming thing I had ever felt. I threw off my jacket and willed for there to be slits in the back of my shirt. Stretching out my wings, I launched myself off the side of the cliff feeling alive for the first time in weeks, leaving my worries on my bed with Roman. I spin in mid air and flap my wings, they thanked me greatly or using them. With big, powerful flaps I launched myself into the air and once more dived down, loving the thrill and rush of adrenaline. I spread my wings last second and land on the ground with a thud. I lie down on my back and stretch out my wings. The grass was so fresh and comfortable I don't even remember drifting off to sleep.

Roman's P.O.V

I had watched 14/159 (160 if you count the double Cinderella) disney movies before I realised that Virgil was gone. I remember making a witty remark. As I waited for my eternal praise and glory I usually got (from the people of my realm) I turned smiling to see Virgil wasn't there. My smile faded into a small gasp and I paused the old classic 'The Lion King' and started frantically searching through Virgil's room. it was pretty small, and so it didn't take long- using my amazing detective skills- to decipher he wasn't there. A small dramatic gasp escaped my lips as I thought about what I should do. I ran down the halls into the cafeteria, with little hope. I must have looked frantic as minor sides looked worried when they saw my face. The few who asked me what was wrong didn't get an answer, as I was running down hallways. After I had searched the entire mind palace a thought occurred. What if he was in his realm?

I turned and ran down the hall, but before I could get to Virgil's room, an all to familiar figure stepped in front of me. I holt.

"L-logan?" I whimper, cursing my unsteady voice.

"Salutations, Roman. Where is Virgil? It's my belief that you would be with him at all moments?" 

"O-oh yes I just had to g-grab something I needed f-from my r-room." My voice evening out.

"Acceptable, now get back to Virgil." Logan said in his monotone voice. I sighed in relief that it hadn't been found out that I had lost Virgil, but as I walked away, I froze as I heard Logan mutter

"Falsehood." I ran all the way back to Virgil's room and started to search for his portal.

Logan's P.O.V

The way in which Roman had looked unsettled me. I disliked to admit that as I disliked emotions. I walked back into my room, only for a text to appear on my miniature handheld electronic. (Cell-phone.) It read:

 'Hey Kiddo! Wanna come over to my room and talk?'

 I eternally cringed and smiled. As much as I hated to admit it: I had a romantic attraction to Patton. I re-read the message, then regretted it, as the many mistakes on the message just popped out. what was a Wanna? Where was the comma after Hey? I stopped myself, got up, and walked over to Patton's room. When I got there Patton was standing with his arms folded in his cat onesie. I suddenly knew what this was about. I locked the door and snapped my fingers. I looked down and I was wearing my unicorn onesie and tie. The hip hop music started, and a smile crept across my face as we started flailing around to the music. All thoughts of Roman and Virgil were lost.

Virgil's P.O.V

When I awoke, I had no idea that I had been sleeping so I thought that Princey would still be on his first movie. I launched myself into the air one more. I smiled again. I loved being alone. In my realm (Unlike every other part of the mind palace for me) there was no lonely, only an alone. I stopped myself thinking about lonely and got back to flying. I did feel a little guilty about leaving Roman. My anxiety started to kick in. 

'What is he realised you left?' 'What if this?' 'What if that?' 'What if he panics?' 

 Virgil snggered at that last one, pushing the thoughts away. No one cared about him! No one would care if he went missing! He could just seal the entrance to the portal and never open it again! Trapping himself inside, still giving Thomas anxiety, just never having to face the other sides calling him a failure, broken and many others ever again. That appealed to him very much. Virgil sighed. He always had these thoughts in here. But he always had to be the bigger person and push them away. Return to the life of bullying. Return to the life where everyone took him for granted. 

If it weren't for Virgil, Thomas would never listen to Logan! He would only listen to Patton and Roman every moment of every day. He wouldn't be cautious enough, and wouldn't take precautions. He would listen to Remus and Deceit! At that one his wings sized up. He promised himself he would never think about those two in this realm. He had to be careful. Any thoughts of those two, well, monsters could be bad. Thinking of al mental and physical tortu- no. I. WILL. NOT. THINK. ABOUT. THEM. I turned around and then at the portal looking at me flap my wings with wide eyes was... Oh. Shit.

Roman's P.O.V

I had been searching for a good hour now, looking for the portal to his realm. I couldn't find anything! I turned and stormed onto the balcony in defeat. After standing here for a good twenty minutes I turn to go back inside. One of the balcony doors were closed and there was the portal.

 Virgil was very smart. I took a deep breath and stepped through. I was NOT ready for what I saw. I was expecting Edom, with dragons, and lava, and monsters, not a field! I was standing on a cliff and then there was a big drop, then a massive field! At the edge of the field were some trees that faded into a big forest. And flying in the sky with massive wings staring at me was... Oh. Shit.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you want anything to happen please comment (Apart from the end - I have that figured out)

Lots of love


P.s Shout out to @the_sad_o for encouraging me to write this chapter. Tysm!

Ok, that's all folks!

Word count: 1345

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