Chapter 8 - Surprise Request

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After that night at Ballato's, Eva hadn't had much chance to speak to Michael in the next six days that followed, due to their heaving schedule. Michael was constantly on the go, whether it was a dance rehearsal, costume fitting, shooting a scene, promo shoots and meetings, whereas Eva herself was busy making phone calls, editing scenes, making alterations, attending more meetings...the list was endless!

Amidst all the chaos though, she did find herself having regular flashbacks of their night at the restaurant.

In the space of a few hours, she and Michael had learned a lot about each other through their conversation. She'd found he was extremely easy to talk to, had a wonderful sense of humour and above all, came across as the most kind, caring and passionate person she'd ever met. Completely the opposite of what the media would have you believe of his personality.

She hoped that on the Monday she would get chance to spend a bit more time with him, as the main choreographed scene for the 'Bad' video was due to take place and she was needed on set all day.


It was Monday 13th July and the sun was blazing down on New York City, the skyscrapers looming high as the rays of sunlight bounced off the many windows.

The tourists and daily commuters above ground completely unaware that somewhere below their feet, Michael Jackson was making history once again in the City's underground.

The 'Bad' crew had constructed a couple of small temporary portable cabins in the Hoyt-Schermerhorn station below, that were being used for onsite meetings and make-up/costume fittings. Michael was currently in the latter.

Peering up at the clock on the wall above his head, Michael digested that it was almost 9am and time to shoot the first take of the day.

"Almost there!" Dennis Tompkins reassured Michael, has he made some final adjustments to the buckles on Michael's jacket.

"Not to worry." Michael replied, glancing down at his front with his arms outstretched slightly.

He loved the jacket. And the trousers. In fact, he loved the whole outfit. It was his first time trying the clothes on and everything fit perfectly, which was a bonus. Many a time, he'd try custom made outfits and straight away they'd need several alterations.

Michael made a mental note to thank Eva later for choosing two wonderful costumer designers.

His heart momentarily seemed to flutter when he thought of Eva. He hoped that she would actually be there today. Since Ballato's, he'd barely stopped thinking about her.

"And you're ready to go!" Dennis smiled, standing up straight and scanning Michael over to make sure everything was in place.

Michael smiled and quickly walked over to the full length mirror to see for himself.

"Awesome!" he grinned. "Thank you so much for your hard work, this is spot on!"

"Oh, you're welcome!" Dennis smiled, looking pleased at Michael's gratitude and approval.

"Let me just.......there..." Karen spoke out of nowhere, as she shifted towards Michael and moved a strand of his hair, smiling at him.

Michael had almost forgotten that Karen was still there until she piped up. She'd already styled him hair and make-up wise prior to his clothes fitting, but as usual she found any excuse to stick around and watch him.

"We're ready for you Michael!" a loud knock and a voice penetrated through the side door.

Stepping out of the cabin, Michael followed Gary, the guy who'd just called for him and proceeded up the stairs to the mezzanine where everyone was eagerly awaiting his arrival.

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