Chapter 9 - Taking Flight

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Picking up her front door keys, Eva had one last rush around the house to make sure that everything was turned off and that she had packed everything she needed.

It was Friday 17th July and Eva was due to be picked up any minute now by one of Michael’s entourage. Peering through the front window, she was just in time to see a large black limo pull up at the front of the building.

Grabbing her suitcase and her handbag, she quickly locked her front door and made her way down the garden path only to be greeted by a beefy looking man wearing a pleasant smile.

“Miss Fenner?” he asked, offering to take her luggage from her.

“Uh yes?!” she answered, as she wearily passed the luggage to him.

“Please follow me.” He replied, carrying her belongings with him to the trunk of the car.

She followed him as instructed and noticed several of her neighbours and passers-by were watching curiously. Eva smiled to herself just as he opened the car door for her.

“Ma’am.” He gestured her into the back of the limo.

“Thank you!” Eva smiled, as she slid into the back of the car, placing her handbag next to her.

This was the first time she’d ever been in a limo and by the look and feel of the interior, it wasn’t cheap! She took note of the champagne on offer and wondered to herself it was a little too early in the day to pour herself a glass.

To hell with it! She was practically on holiday for three days!

Grabbing a glass, she poured herself some and sat back, feeling more than excited for the weekend ahead.


Boarding the private jet at John F. Kennedy Airport, Michael took his usual window seat and waited for the rest of his crew to arrive, Eva included.

He sincerely wished he could have gone to pick her up himself or at least waited for her at the terminal, but such simple gestures were impossible when you were Michael Jackson. He wouldn’t stand a chance against the mob of fans and paparazzi that hounded him on a daily basis.

Even now, as he looked through the plane window back towards the waiting lounge, all he could see were crowds of fans in the distance, frantically waving and holding up banners with his name scrawled all over them.

Everyone knew his every move, all the time. What he would give to just travel on a commercial airline with the rest of public for once.

Looking back towards the door of the jet, Michael watched as Jason and Daniel (two of his bodyguards) boarded the plane with Eva sandwiched between them.

Michael smiled and stood up.

“Eva!” he exclaimed. Feeling brave, he outstretched his arms, inviting her in for a hug rather than a usual handshake.

“Hi Michael!” she grinned, walking into his arms and returning the hug.

He held onto her for a little longer than intended before breaking away and guiding her to the seat next to him.

“Can I get you anything?!” he asked, still standing beside her.

“I’d love a Pepsi if you have any?” Eva asked.

“Sure do!” he smiled, walking over to a small fridge and returning with two cans in his hands. Handing one over to her, he sat in the seat beside her.

“Thank you for asking me to come along. I can’t wait to see this ranch! I bet it’s huge!” said Eva excitedly, taking a sip of her drink.

“It is pretty big! 3,000 acres apparently!” he replied. “I’ll show you a few photos I’ve got of the place.” He said enthusiastically.


For the next five hours of the flight duration, Michael and Eva chatted away like they’d known each other forever. The more time she spent with him, the more she felt at home. It was a feeling that she’d never experienced before and couldn’t quite describe it. There was just such a powerful connection between them and she could easily forget that he was a worldwide superstar. That was until the paparazzi and fans appeared at every turn to remind her.

Landing at the Santa Barbara Muncipal Airport at just after 1pm, Eva felt more excited and alive than ever. She just couldn’t wait to start the long weekend.

“Mr Jackson. We have the private limo’s waiting out back.” Jason spoke, as Eva and the whole of Michael’s entourage hurried towards the airports exit in a tight group. Fans were screaming for Michael and flashes were going off in every direction as airport security tried their best to contain the floods of people in the airport.

Eva sincerely wished she had her sunglasses on her and maybe a couple of earplugs to drown out the deafening screams.

As the group finally made it out back to an area lined with hired limos, Michael took charge and opened the door of the first car for Eva.

“After you.” He smiled, making a hand gesture for her to clamber in.

“Why thank you Sir!” she grinned, before sliding into the backseat.

It was amazingly deserted around the back of the terminal, Eva was assuming this particular patch of the airport was reserved for VIP’s. Looking out of the tinted windows, she could only see a couple more airport security staff on the doors, but not another soul.

“You hungry?” Michael piped up next to her, as he slid into the back seat as well.

Turning towards him, she nodded. “Starving! I can’t go for long without food!”

“I noticed! The way you demolished that pizza at Ballato’s, then had seconds followed by a huge dessert kind of gave it away!” Michael laughed, taking his Ray Ban’s off, as the limo set off. “Then again…..I’m not much better.”

“No you’re not! You ate nearly everything available on that plane!” Eva retaliated with a laugh.

She loved it when he took his shades off. Looking into his eyes was like looking up at the stars, they just sparkled.

“Okay fair point!” Michael nodded. “We’re stopping off at a small town on the way to the hotel, we can grab something to eat then.”

“Sounds like a plan!” Eva smiled, looking back outside the window as new passing scenery flashed before her eyes.

“I love it here. So beautiful! If I could afford, I’d like to move to Cali some day.” She said.

“Well if this ranch is as perfect as it looks, you can always come live with me!” he grinned playfully, as Eva faced him again. “Plenty of room!”

Eva laughed. “True. Think we’d have a lot of fun!”

“We definitely would!” he replied, his expression softening slightly, as he looked at her intently.

Eva wasn’t sure if the warm weather had anything to do with it, but Eva felt daring all of a sudden and had the overwhelming urge to kiss him.

But she didn’t. And she couldn’t.

She was still his assistant director and he was still Michael Jackson. It would do no good to act on a fantasy, this wasn’t any kind of movie. This was real life and she wasn’t about to screw this career opportunity up.

Looking back out of the window, she tried hard to focus on the scenery outside, as the journey continued.

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