Chapter 6 - Sound Of The Underground

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The next five days were a blur for Eva as she thrust herself into the 'Bad' project. She'd successfully managed to secure the mezzanine of the Hoyt-Schermerhorn Station in Brooklyn as well as the hire of a live train, after a successful meeting with the council. Plus she'd found the perfect duo to deal with the costume design... Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins.

After contacting Martin and telling him the good news, it was decided that the production team should meet at the station on the 6th July at 6am to begin some filming.

Usually, the thought of getting up at 6am on a Monday morning would have made Eva groan repeatedly, but truth be told, she couldn't wait to get going!

Eva wasn't sure if Michael would be there seen as though it was only supposed to be production staff that day, but she prayed to god that he would. She was still buzzing from the initial meeting and couldn't wait to see him again. She craved a proper conversation with him if anything!

As she left the house that morning, she walked straight past her car and headed for the train station. It only made sense that she should travel on the subway today seen as though it was her actual destination for the day!

Eva was dressed a lot more casual today, but still looked exceptionally beautiful. No heels, just a pair of flat boots, some ripped jeans and a plain black tight tank top, with her usual satchel swinging over her shoulder. Her hair was wavy today but she'd still tied it back into a loose ponytail and adorned a pair of cheap sunglasses. She couldn't quite afford a pair of Ray Bans!

The sun was shining, the air was pleasantly warm and she had a little spring in her step. The nervousness and queasiness she felt last week was no longer there, so she made the decision to stop off at a nearby bakery and buy herself a toasted sandwich and a coffee.


 Michael had just arrived at the Hoyt-Schermerhorn Station followed by his usual entourage and made a beeline for Martin, who was stood next to a cameraman having an in-depth discussion.

"Morning Martin!" Michael called, as he approached the director with his hand outstretched.

Turning around, Martin's face split into a wide grin. "Ahh Michael, good morning! How you doing?!" he asked.

"I'm good. Really good!" Michael replied, taking his sunglasses off and looking around at the station. "I'm really impressed!"

"Me too." replied Martin. "She's picked a good one! The place has got a great vibe like she promised, I love the whole abandoned, broken feel to it. Lots of space for the choreography as well." he replied, motioning to the empty space before them.

"Definitely!" Michael grinned, casting his mind back to last weeks meeting. He knew straight away that the 'she' he was referring to was Eva Fenner. He hadn't quite got her out of his head all week.

Looking around at the production team who had already assembled, Michael could see that she hadn't arrived yet.

"Michael?" a blonde woman appeared beside him. It was Karen Faye, his make-up artist. "Do you want a drink or anything?" she asked, holding a fresh bottle of water in her hands.

"Oh, no thank you Karen." he smiled politely.

"Okay. Just let me know if you need anything later." she smiled back, letting her eyes roam over his face for a second, before turning to leave.

It was no secret that Karen had a huge crush on Michael and took every opportunity to fuss around him when she could.

Michael loved her as a friend and for being the wonderful make-up artist she was, but he could never consider a serious romantic relationship with her. He just didn't see her in that way.

"Ayyy Eva!!" Martin exclaimed, dragging Michael's attention away from Karen. "You made it!" he added outstretching his arms and beckoning her in for a hug.

Eva had just arrived at the top of the mezzanine steps and was walking towards Martin, sporting a wide smile.

Michael watched her come forward and took in her appearance. She looked very casual today, but still extremely attractive. Beautiful in fact. He'd never been mesmerised by a woman before and he began to feel a little flushed at his own thoughts.

Eva hugged Martin tightly, before turning her attention to Michael.


"Hi  Michael." she smiled, feeling the familiar nerves kick in as she held her hand out for him to shake yet again. She would much rather have given him a hug but didn't quite dare.

"Hey Eva, great to see you again!" he smiled, taking her hand.

"Can I leave you two to it for a moment, I've got to go check some stuff." Martin interrupted them. "Won't be long!" he winked at Eva before sloping off towards a group of newcomers.

"So! Erm...great job on the location!" Michael piped up, attaching his sunglasses over the middle of his t-shirt.

"Why, thank you!" Eva replied. "Have you had chance to look at the train yet?"

"Train?" Michael questioned.

"Yeah! I've hired one of the subway trains for the shoot! They've redirected passengers to another line for two days maximum so it doesn't interrupt with their travels. It's worked out nicely!" she replied. "Plus I can be very persuasive." she smirked, feeling a little more relaxed again.

"I don't doubt it!" Michael grinned. "I've only been here ten minutes myself so I haven't been told about it yet. Where is it?!"

"Come on, I'll show you." she replied, urging him to follow her.

Reaching the bottom of the mezzanine steps, Eva led Michael further up the left hand platform where a group of people were stood in front of a stationary train, covered in colourful graffiti.

"Wow!" Michael muttered, more to himself than to Eva.

"Great or what?! I had a quick peek inside before coming up to see you guys." Eva told him, as she watched his reaction. "Step onboard and take a look around!"


Stepping aboard the train, Michael was genuinely in awe of the transport. All his life, he'd taken private jets and limo's and even in the early days, the family would only travel by car. He'd never experienced the daily routine of the average person going to work and back via the subway. He often wished for just a little piece of that normality.

"This is great Eva!" Michael informed her enthusiastically, as he sat down on one of the seats. "There was me thinking that we'd have to build the train interior from scratch in the studio!"

Eva smiled widely at he doorway and took a moment to admire his profile. It really was a sin for a man to be that good looking. 

Just then, one of the crew members tapped her on the shoulder from the platform.

"Eva? You and Michael are needed on the top floor."

"Oh right....okay, we'll be right there!" Eva replied, giving him a smile and a nod. "We're needed upstairs Michael." she repeated the message back to Michael who had already stood up again.

"Thanks for this Eva" he said, in a serious tone. "After today, I can officially say that I've used public transport! Not bad at all for a 28 year old!" he joked, causing Eva to laugh.

"C'mon, let's go!" she replied, still giggling and walking along the platform beside him.

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