"I really did just mean to take you out. I didn't plan on it ending in bed." he said when he got back, a towel lazily wrapped around his waist.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I'll pretend I believe you."

He climbed on the bed and on top of me again, "You were the one who wanted to come home and get it over with." he whispered, his lips grazing my earlobe.

I exhaled and leaned into his warmth, "Well, you kissed me first - messily. Like you always do when you want me."

He chuckled before moving to stand up, "What gave me away? The part where you leaned in and deepened the kiss?"

I laugh, "Whatever. I love you." I couldn't help but smile triumphantly when he blushed.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips, "I'll go wash up." Before I could pull him back into bed, he was out of the room.

Now that the aftershock of our session has finally ebbed, I let myself think about Brett's birthday surprise.

We went to the spa today, to get full body massages. Hence, the immediate urgency to be physically intimate. But on our way there, we stopped by a few shops and this lovely new cafe that served all of our favorite pastries.

We also checked out this new shop near the spa we love. It was a cute little gift shop which sold every possible gift item you could think of: shirts, keychains, mugs, jewelry - you name it, it's probably there. And the best part was the fact that they offered personalized items.

"Babe, the bathroom's free if you want it." Brett said as he walked in, fully dressed. He tossed me two fresh towels and a bathrobe as he made his way to the closet. "Heads up!" he softly shouted as he tossed me a gray sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

I laughed, "Actually, could you toss me a pair of jeans? I'll head out."

His eyebrow raised, "Seriously?"

I nodded, tossing the black sweatpants back to him. "I saw something earlier, I think I want to go check it out again."

He fished out a pair of jeans and walked toward me, "Alright. Will you buy dinner on your way home or should I cook something?"

I smiled at him, and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, "I miss your cooking. I won't be long, I promise."

He pulled me in and kissed me slowly, his hand was on my nape. I sighed into the kiss and let myself enjoy it. I let him be the one to pull away. He pressed our foreheads together, "Go take a shower. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll return." Before I could reply, he stood up and left.

I took a quick, warm shower and got dressed. I peeked into the office and found Brett watching something on his laptop. He was wearing headphones so I walked in and planted a kiss on the top of his head. "Be back soon." he mumbled, his eyes focused on the screen.

I got in our car and drove back to the gift shop we went to earlier. Luckily, they're open 24 hours. I walked in and allowed my memory to guide me back to the specific aisle where I found the most incredible gift item for my beloved.

Sooner than I expected, I was standing in front of a shelf that hosted all kinds of music boxes. My eyes surveyed the items carefully until I found the one music box I wanted. I reach for it and note how heavy it is in my hand.

I take it to the counter, "Hello. Can I ask about this item?"

The woman behind the counter was old, with a tight bun on top of her head. She was plump and had the warmest smile, "Of course, my dear. I saw you looking at that earlier."

"Oh. I didn't realize.." I let out an awkward chuckle, "This is a music box, isn't it?"

She took the item that was not much bigger than my hand, but felt much heavier than it looked, "Yes my dear. My son made it for his wife, as a way of proposing to her." A distinct sound of sadness echoed in her words, "I suppose even the greatest love stories have to end some time."

I didn't know what to say so I just waited until she was ready to speak again.

She cleared her throat and put on her warm smile, "Anyway, it can play.." she closed her eyes and her eyebrows creased as she was lost in thought, "Ahh yes, Sibelius violin concerto."

What were the chances of that? As much as Brett hates to admit it, he does have favorites. And he absolutely favors Sibelius violin concerto above all others - both to play and to listen to. It was as if this music box was meant to be his all along.

"I can tell by your smile that you have found the perfect gift for your partner." the old woman said, "I must say, it's very rare to find such a lovely young couple these days."

I couldn't help but smile. I love how her words weren't the least bit sarcastic, and I love how she quietly convinced me to buy this item for Brett. I cleared my throat, "I know this item has some sentimental value, but would it be okay if I request for an engraving?"

She nodded her head, "My dear, I know my son would be happy knowing I sold this to such a fine gentleman. So go ahead, make it your own. It was made to be a symbol of love, after all."

I took the music box into my hand and thought about what to put on it. I've been going back and forth with my thoughts, but I just can't seem to settle on the perfect line.

As if sensing my thoughts, the old woman said, "What about something like, 'if music be the food of love, play on'. Shakespeare, I believe."

I smiled. It was a lovely line, but Brett and I aren't big on Theater references. I think back on all the times I've wanted to say a cheesy line to Brett, only to stop myself to avoid embarrassment. My mind went through so many romantic lines I've bottled up. I just can't seem to choose the right one.

Suddenly, I remember what I told him on our five year anniversary. At the time, we were hitting a rough patch. Stress was eating us up and our relationship was dangling by a thread. As an act of desperation, I asked if we could go on a date for our anniversary. By the end of the night, we overheard a street busker playing the violin. I pulled him toward the sound and we watched the busker play with admirable passion. I was suddenly aware of Brett's arm wrapped around my waist, and all I could hear was my heartbeat mixing with the music.

I smiled, it was a most welcome memory. I put the music box down and said, "Your love is the music that keeps my heart beating." I let out a soft laugh, "Yeah.. I think that's it. It's perfect."

The old woman smiled, her eyes seemed to glow with pure bliss, "Oh dear, that's lovely. When do you need this done?"

I couldn't help but laugh. The urgency of my actions suddenly dawned on me as I replied, "In three months."

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