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Somewhere in the depths of hell.....

"So...how's your experiement going?" A bald headed young man,dressed in a suit questioned.

"Sophie is growing up fine.." Father smiled, gazing lovingly at the container infront of him.

"I love curious humans like you, so i've saved you from suffering in hell and allowed you to perform experiments here."

"Thank you,Demon.."

"Ahh...call me Carl. Sounds better than..Demon." He chuckled

In the container lies a being that resembles Sophie. She grew into a fine woman under Father's care.

"So...enjoy your work, Doctor. I shall be off." The Demon disappeared in a burst of flame.

"..I love you, Sophie...forever and ever"

                                                                    "And this time..nothing can part us."

The being slowly opened its eyes and her lips curled perfectly.


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