The truth

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Step by step, she came to the long corridor which leads to her father's basement. As she entered the hallway, she heard groaning. " People? Those are certainly voices...they seem to sound in pain.." It was dark and she couldn't really make out what was creating those sounds. Taking a safer distance back from whatever was that out there, she light a match which she took from her pocket. "oh my god.." She covered her mouth in disgust and started backing away. "what is that ?!" There, right in front of her was a crowd..wait no it was more like a lump. A lump of humans all merged as one. Some were corpses like while some were headless and almost inhuman beings. Their arms were stretched out and screaming for help. The ugly lump was crawling its way to her, like a gigantic slug. " Are all of you my father's test subjects? Oh my god..I'm so sorry.." Tears welled up as she stared at the helpless lump of what were all normal humans before. She was at lost of what to do. She couldn't possibly pass through those things! Running back to the entrance of the hallway, she fetched the unused oil lamp hanging on the wall. " Im so sorry..but I would set all of you free now! God bless all of you! " She cried and threw the oil lamp which she lighted towards the lump. CRAASHHH-- The lump was set in flames and the creatures screamed even louder. "AHHHHHH HEELLL--PPPP--" "ITS HOT HOTTT HELPPP...MUMMY ITS PAINFUL....HELLLPPP...MU--MM--" There were sounds of all ages screaming. Mostly were children. Sophie collapsed onto the stone floor and stared sadly at the burning lump. A burning of flesh hung strongly in the air mixed along with choking smoke and ashes. "So-soph--ie.." A body sawed into half was dragging itself towards her. Sophie screamed in utter horror. "GRA-C-E?! What...WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? They were m-missing! But you were actually in my house all the time?!" She covered her mouth and shook with fear. How could father kill her best friend? Tears streamed down her pale face. "Sophie...don't set us all free.. and we thank you for that..however, those you burnt are only the souls of us..our bodies are still buried somewhere, please burn the bodies to give us all will right? Sophie?" Grace smiled. Her beautiful face was decaying and she was missing an eye. "Grace..i missed you so much.." She sobbed. " I want to buy sweets with you the shop near my house..but now im all alone. Oh Grace.." She could not stop crying. "Sophie...just move on and free all of us and remember, i will never forget you as my best friend..but i was really furious with your dad../sigh/.." Grace crumbled into dust and disappeared. Sophie took the dust between her fingertips and kissed them. Sophie was angry. He may be her father, but taking so many lives, even those of who she cherished, was too much.

She stood up and continued her journey. " No matter what...I need an explanation...right,Father?"

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