Dean placed the sandwich on the table before taking a seat on the bed that was situated off to one side. You noticed Sam head out of the room but you didn’t question it as you crossed the room to pick up the whiskey bottle from the table before settling beside Dean. You slowly lifted your hand to take his jaw between your thumb and forefinger. He turned to look at you as you soaked a cloth with the whiskey.

“Hold still” you instructed as you brought the cloth to his wound. He gritted his teeth as you wiped the cut clean. You paused as you noticed his hazel eyes locked upon yours. You dropped your hand. A lump formed in your throat under the weight of his heavy gaze. You swallowed it down. Now was the time.

“I want to go with you and Sam on your next hunt,” you blurted a lot less gracefully than you had intended. “I want you to train me on the road. I’m sick of these walls.”

“Out of the question” Dean cut you down.

“Cas said that I’m important. That there’s a plan for me. What use am I...”

“Out of the question” he reasserted.

Anger began to bubble inside you, “Why?”

“Because I’m not going to lose you,” Dean snapped. You flinched slightly at the suddenness. Dean appeared to notice and his features softened a little though his gaze did not falter, “I can’t let you get hurt.” You finally broke away from his captivating gaze, dropping your eyes to the ground beneath you. Dean placed his fingers on your jaw line much like you had done to him. He lifted your gaze back to his and held you there for a moment before letting go. “I can’t risk it” his tone was soft, endearing. He looked at you a moment longer before climbing to his feet. You watched his retreating form before looking over towards the table. You let out a sigh and climbed to your feet, dragging them towards the sandwich that Dean had placed there.


“Maybe we should let her come” Sam suggested. The brothers stood in the kitchen with Bobby who was watching the two of them argue.

“And the last time you let her out of our sights, what happened then?” Dean shot.

“It’s different, she’ll be with us this time.”

Dean shot his brother a glare. He didn’t know how to explain it. How he had come to care so much about a girl he had only known for just over a week. The thought of you in danger, in reach of another demon, it left him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Sam appeared to read his brothers expression, “It’s not like I don’t care about her too, Dean. But if we could teach her to defend herself.”

“It’s not happening. She’s as safe as she could possibly be here.”

“You two idjits have it bad don’t you?” Bobby had been spectating for some time before he spoke up. “I hate to say it, but I think Sam’s right. Yeah she’s safe here but teach her, train her up and give her the skills. She’s bound to need them at some point.” Dean looked at Bobby with exasperation whilst Sam studied his brother. He knew that look. It was the same look that Sam wore when it concerned his old girlfriend, Jessica. He felt a pit form in his stomach as he watched his brother pace the floor. He shrugged the thought that it could be jealousy rising and pinned it upon the nostalgic thoughts of his former life.

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