Chapter 11- Shane's POV

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I'm starting to become a little overwhelmed. There's so much shouting and hugging. I try and keep the smile on my face for Joey, but I feel myself starting to breathe a little heavier. I look over at Joey, hoping he'll help me not have a panic attack.

"Shane? You ok?" He finally asks.

"Um, yah. Just a little...overwhelmed." I answer honestly.

"Here. Let's sit down." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me into a booth. I silently thank him.

"Are you boys hungry? I'll make you anything you want. On the house." Momma J offers.

"Bring him your famous breakfast plate." Joey says, looking at me and smiling.

"We're on it." Momma J winks. Momma J, Emily, and Daniel walk back to the kitchen. Jacquelyn smiles at us.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" She asks.

"Water?" Joey asks me. I nod my head. "Two waters, please." He replies to Jacquelyn.

"Alright." She smiles again. "We missed you, Joey. And it's very nice to have you in our family, Shane." I feel my heart melt a little. Jacquelyn walks back to the kitchen and returns with our water. We both smile and thank her, and she walks back to the kitchen. Joey grabs my hand.

"You ok?" he asks again, a concerned look on his face.

"Yah. Yah I'm fine. Just a little...overwhelmed. All the shouting and hugging. I wasn't prepared for it." I say, squeezing his hand.

"Yah. They aren't shy. They can be...very...out there." He laughs.

"You got that right," I laugh with him, "but I like them." I smile at him.

"And they like you." He kisses my hand.

"Aw, how sweet!" Momma J exclaims as she carries out a giant plate of food. She sets it down in front of me and all I can do is stare with my mouth gaping open.

"Holy crap. Th-that's enough food to feed the starving kids in Africa!" I laugh.

"Well here at Momma J's we don't rip people off. We give them what they pay for." She says with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much." I laugh, still staring at the mountain of food in front of me. There's eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, and pancakes.

"I'll come back in a little bit to catch up with you, Joey. Enjoy your breakfast." She says with a wink. I stare at Joey in disbelief. I'm never going to be able to finish all of this.

"You wanna share? 'Cause I know I'm NEVER gonna be able to finish this." I ask. He laughs.

"I'll have a couple of bites. If you don't mind."

"Hey. You can have as much as you want!" I offer. We eat and casually chat about anything and everything. Eventually Momma J and everyone came and sat with us and caught up with Joey. I felt like part of the family. It was nice. Eventually, it was time for us to leave. We all hugged and said goodbyes. I promised everyone that I would make sure Joey came back more often. Joey and I waved as we got in the car. Then we were on our way back to the chaos of the city.

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