Chapter 9- Shane's POV

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I must be crazy. I must be out of my mind. Joey...Joey my...boyfriend. I can honestly say I really do like him, but I'm scared to see where this goes. What if my family doesn't approve? What if his family doesn't approve? What if our friends don't approve? What if our viewers don't approve? The what if's run endlessly through my head. Surprisingly, I just ignore them. Even if this is a risk, this is a risk I'm willing to take. I'm ready to take a chance and try something new. Who knows where this will go? I look up at that clock and realize I've been sitting there for almost 2 hours thinking and daydreaming. I better get to bed so I can wake up and hang out with Joey!

I wake up at about 8:30. I check my phone and realize I have two messages. The first was received at 7:00 this morning.

New Text Message from: Lisa

Hey. I was wondering if today would be a good day to get the rest of my stuff? Text me and let me know.

The second was received only minutes before I woke up.

New Text Message from: Lisa

Um. Still waiting on an answer. Guess you're not awake yet. Or ignoring me.

I quickly text her back.

Shane: I'm not ignoring you. Just woke up. Um actually today isn't the best. I have plans. How about tomorrow?

Lisa: Yah I guess that's fine. See ya tomorrow.

Now it's time to text the one I truly want to talk to.

Shane: Morning!😊 Just woke up. Get your sexy ass over here 😉. NOW!

JoeyG: Woah there, young whippersnapper! Let me get dressed and I'll be right over! 😘

Shane: First of all- whippersnapper?!

Second of all- kissy face?!?! 😉

JoeyG: What? Got a problem with it?!

Shane: No! Not at all! 😘😘😘

JoeyG: 😄 stop distracting me so I can hurry up and get to you! See you in about 30!

Shane: K!

I smile at our messages, rereading them over and over again when I realized I was still and bed and Joey was going to be here in less than an hour! I texted him again.

Shane: Hey I might still be getting ready when you get here so just go ahead and let yourself in! Keys under the mat.

JoeyG: Thanks! See ya soon.

I put my phone down and speed walk to the bathroom. I hurry and take one of the fastest showers ever, get dressed, and start on my hair. The blow dryer was on the highest setting so I couldn't hear anything. Next thing you know, Joey pops up in the doorway and scared the living hell out me!

"ARGH!" He shouts as he pops out.

"FUCK!" I scream, trying to not drop my hairdryer. I turn it off. "ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK?!" He grabs me from behind and hugs me, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Haha. Sorry. I couldn't help myself." He said as he kissed my neck. My heart skipped a beat. I was looking at him in our reflection when I realized I haven't finished my hair yet.

"Oh my God, I look like SHIT! Let me finish getting ready!" I say, trying to pry Joey's hands off of me. He's very reluctant, but finally let's go.

"Ugh hurry up!" He shouts as he sits on the lid of the toilet.

"Hey! You can't rush sexiness!" I laugh as I turn the hair dryer back on. I finish drying and start styling. Half of the time, I'm watching myself doing my hair. The other half of the time, we're just staring at each other in comfterable silence. I finish my hair and turn to him, grab the sides of his face, and kiss him. Not a hot, passionate kiss. Just an "I'm glad you're here" kiss. We smile at each other and leave the bathroom. After walking into the living room, I offer him something to eat or drink.

"No thank you. I already ate. But let me take you to breakfast!" He added excitedly.

"Really?" I ask, kind of excited myself.

"Hell yah! I'd be honored to escort you to breakfast, Mr.Shane!" He said in his cute little southern accent.

"Well let's go then!" I announce with a big goofy grin on my face. I feed Corny, grab my keys, and leave. This should be an interesting morning. We get in the car, but before Joey starts the car, I stop him.

"Wait!" I say to him, maybe with too much urgency in my voice.

He nervously replies, "What?! What is it?!"

"I wanted to kiss you before we left since we can't in public. U-unless you want everyone to find out." I stutter, hoping he understands what I'm saying.

"Nooo I DEFINITELY don't want anyone to know yet." He says.

"Thank God! Me neither. I want to wait for a little while and then tell my family and THEN the viewers." I reply honestly. He stares at me, an adorable smile plastered on his face.

"You're perfect. You know that right?" He asks. Shocked and embarrassment flash across my face as I start to blush. I look down and fiddle with my thumbs.

"Oh trust me. I'm anything but perfect." I feel him grab my chin and make me look at him.

"Shane, you're perfect to me." He says as he leans in and kisses me.

"Again." I demand. He kisses me again. And again. And again. "Sorry. They're gonna have to last me until we get done." I say, the goofy grin returning to my face. He grabs my hand.

"Ready, boyfriend?"

"Ready, boyfriend."

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