Chapter 10- Joey's POV

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I drive with one hand on the wheel, one hand intertwined with Shane's, and a smile on my face. I keep having to remind myself that this isn't a dream. This is really happening. I peek over at Shane and start to blush as I realize that he's staring at me.

"What?" I ask, feeling like I'm going to go insane under his stare. He kisses the back of my hand and smiles.

"Nothing." He says, still staring. "By the way, where are you taking me? It feels like we've been driving for, like, hours!"

"Just a little place I like to go to. And stop complaining! First of all- it's only been, like, an hour. Second of all- it'll be worth it. It's small and secluded so there's a veeeery small chance anyone will recognize us. " I say as I turn into the parking lot. I park the car, shut off the engine, and turn to Shane.

" and Brittany came here when we first moved to California. It became our place. These people are like family." I explain to him. I'm praying they like Shane.

"How the hell did you find this place? It's literally in the middle of nowhere." He states as he looks around.

"That's the point. I come here when I need to get away from the craziness of LA and YouTube and everything. It's quiet and, like I said, no one knows me here." I say as I undo my seatbelt. "Come on. Your gonna LOVE it! The food is AMAZING and everyone is so nice." We get out of the car and he stops in his tracks. I turn to him.

"Do they know?'re gay?" He halfway whispers. I smile at him.

"Janice knew before anyone." I laugh, thinking of the day I told her.

"Janice?" He asks, looking confused.

"Yah. Momma Janice. She owns the place. She works here with her son Daniel, her daughter Emily, and her friend Jacquelyn. I'll introduce you to everyone." I say as I take his hand and start walking. I push open the door and the bell rings. The familiar smell of bacon and fried potatoes hits me as we walk in. I stand there with a giant, goofy smile on my face, waiting to see if Momma J will notice us.

"Welcome to Momma J's diner, how ar-" she looks up, gasping. "JOSEPH MICHAEL, IS THAT YOU?!?!" She screams as she runs over and grabs my face. "GUYS! JOEY'S HERE!!! Oh my God, you have a beard! Aw I missed you!" She says as she squeezes me to the point that I can barely breathe. I look over to Shane who is standing there looking terrified. It's then that Momma J finally notices Shane.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Hi, my names Janice, but EVERYONE calls me Momma J." She says as she pulls Shane into a tight hug. Shane, not knowing what to do, awkwardly hugs her back.

"Momma J, this boyfriend. Shane." I say, the goofy smile still plastered on my face.

"Boyfriend?! Aw! GUYS!!! GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE AND SAY HI TO JOEY AND HIS BOYFRIEND!!!" She shouts to the rest of the family. Daniel, Emily, and Jacquelyn finally come out from the back, all gasping and looking shocked.

"Joey!" Daniel shouts.

"Hey, Bro!" Emily says as she makes her way over, hugging me excitedly. "Where the hell have you been?! This is the longest you've ever gone without visiting!" She scolds me. I blush, looking down.

"I know. I'm sorry. I've been so busy with YouTube and everything." I admit.

"Well we missed you!" Jacquelyn yells, pulling me into a giant hug.

"I missed you guys too!" I reply truthfully. I did miss them. It has been way too long. I turn to Shane and smile. "Guys. This is my boyfriend, Shane."

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