Chapter 2- Shane's POV

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"Hey Hun?!" I shouted as I walked through the door. Corny greets me. I put my stuff down and pick her up as I walk down the hall towards our room.

"Where's mommy?" I asked Corny as we made our way to the bedroom door. I push open the door to Lisa standing, frozen, holding a pile of clothes. I then notice the two suitcases sitting on our bed.

"...what's...going on?" I asked, my heart dropping to my stomach.

"Um...I-I..." she stuttered, looking at the suitcases and then back to me. "I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I...I'm going to stay with my mom."

"Oh uh is she ok?" I asked, praying internally that she is sick or hurt.

"Yah. Sh-she's fine. I just...Shane I don't think this is working out anymore. We're going different directions. Our careers, our lives, it's just...ugh I wanna settle down! I've been waiting for us to get marry and I love you! With everything in my being, but to be honest, I'm not fully satisfied in this relationship. So, I think it's time for me to leave...I'm sorry." She says as she shoves the last of her clothes into the last suitcase. "I'll be back sometime this week to get the rest." She grabs her suitcases and walks past me into the living room. I'm still frozen in the bedroom. I hear her stop walking, as if she's hesitating or taking in our home, or what was our home. "I'm so sorry, Shane." Her voice cracks on my name. I hear the door open and then shut. I'm still frozen in the bedroom. Corny is starting to squirm, so I'm forced to move in order to set her down. I sit on the corner of my bed. Taking everything in. I'm waiting to wake up. I'm waiting for someone to jump out with a camera and scream "HAPPY DARE WEDNESDAY!!!" but it never happens. I never wake up. I never see a camera. It's just me, Corny, and the silence that has swallowed us. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt my shirt sticking to me. I hear my phone buzz, but I don't look at it. I lay back on the bed. And scream. And cry. And pound my fist into the bed like a three year old throwing a tantrum. I don't know how long I did this. I only remember waking up in my same clothes and on a wet pillow. The clock reads 3 am. I slowly rise and take off my clothes down to my underwear. I crawl into bed and just stare at the ceiling. Everything is numb. My mind is empty. I don't know how long I laid there, but it felt like eternity before the darkness and silence swallowed me again.

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