"Why are you smiling, Harry? It's a damn bizarre reaction considering what we're discussing,'' Louis told him.

"I was thinking about something else."

"Do pay attention, dear,'' Darya requested.

Harry turned to look at her. She saw the warm glint in his eyes and wondered what in heaven's name he'd been thinking about. Before she could ask him, he leaned down and kissed her.

It was a quick, hard kiss that was over and done with before she could react.

"For God's sake, Harry,'' Louis muttered.

"We're newly married,'' Darya blurted out, trying to find some excuse for her husband's unexpected display of affection.

Niall came in with a tray loaded with goblets and a large decanter of brandy. He placed the tray on the table near Darya and leaned over to whisper close to her ear.

"Cook's back."

"Does she have news?"

Niall eagerly nodded. Louis poured himself a drink and downed it in one long swallow. Both Liam and Harry declined the brandy.

"May I have a drink, please?" Darya asked. She didn't particularly like the taste of brandy, but she thought the warm liquid might take some of the chill out of her. She was feeling queasy, too, and she was certain the disturbing talk about murder was the cause.

"Niall, get Darya some water,'' Harry ordered.

"I would rather have brandy,'' she countered.


She was confused by his firm denial of her drink request. "Why not?"

Harry didn't have a quick answer for her question. He wanted to tell her brandy probably wasn't good for her delicate condition. He couldn't, of course, because she hadn't told him about the baby yet.

"Why are you smiling? Really, Harry, you're the most confusing man."

He forced himself to re-focus on the matter at hand. "I don't like you drinking," he announced.

"But I never drink," she replied, still confused by his strange behavior.

"That's right," Harry agreed. "And you aren't going to start now."

Niall tapped Darya on her shoulder, reminding her of his message.

"Will you excuse me for a moment?" she asked. She noticed her lists were in his hands then. "What are you doing with those?"

"I'm holding them for you," he replied. "Would you like me to look through them for the list you made concerning Elizabeth?"

"No, thank you," she replied. She took the papers, found Elizabeth's list second from the top, and then started to stand up. Harry shook his head at her and hauled her back.

"You aren't going anywhere."

"I must speak to Cook."

"Niall can answer her questions."

"You don't understand," Darya said in a low whisper. "She went on a little errand for me and I wanted to find out the results."

"What errand?" Harry asked.

She debated answering him for a minute or two. "You'll get angry," she said quietly.

"No, I won't."

Her expression told him she didn't believe him.


He said her name in a warning tone of voice he was certain would make her wish to answer him quickly, but when she simply smiled and raised her eyebrow at him, he knew she wasn't at all impressed.

Taming the Dragon - H.S. - Harry Styles (AU)Where stories live. Discover now