Chapter 17

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All eyes in the room were glued to Darya, stunned by her statement.

"Murdered? Good God," Louis murmured.

"Could it be possible?" Liam asked.

"I hadn't realized... " Eleanor whispered, placing her hand over her heart.

Harry was the last to react and the most logical in his response. "Explain why you believe this,'' he ordered.

"Niall, will you please go upstairs and fetch my list for me?"

"You have a list of reasons why you suspect your friend was murdered? " Louis asked.

"She has a list for everything," Harry commented. Darya was pleased that he didn't sound at all condescending.

"Yes, I do have a list,'' Darya said. "I wanted to organize my thoughts about Elizabeth's disappearance and try to come up with some sort of plan. I knew something was wrong as soon as I heard she'd eloped. Elizabeth never would have done such a thing. Appearances were more important to her than love. Besides, I don't think she would have allowed herself to fall in love with someone she believed inferior to her station in life. She was sometimes a little shallow and a bit of a snob as well, but those were her only faults. She was also very kindhearted."

"He has to be someone in society,'' Liam decided aloud.

"Yes, I think so, too,'' Darya agreed. "I also think this man begged her to meet him somewhere and her curiosity led her to forget caution. She was certainly flattered by his attention."

"She must have been terribly naive,'' Eleanor remarked.

"So is Catherine," Darya stated with concern.

"Catherine? What does my sister have to do with this?" Harry asked, confused at the mention of his sister.

"She made me promise not to tell, but her safety is at issue and I must break her confidence. She also received flowers this morning."

"Hell, I need a brandy,'' Louis muttered.

Niall returned to the salon just then. He handed a pile of papers to Harry to pass along to Darya. He'd heard Louis's request and immediately turned to fetch the brandy.

"Bring the bottle, " Louis ordered.

"I hope to God we're all jumping to the wrong conclusion,'' Liam said.

"Better that we are,'' Louis countered. "Three women in our family are being courted by the bastard. Think the worst and plan accordingly,'' he added, his voice hard. Harry was sorting through the stack of papers, looking for the list relating to their discussion. He paused when he saw his name at the top of one sheet. Darya wasn't paying any attention to her husband now. Her gaze was focused on his brother.

"Louis, you don't have sufficient information to assume there are only three,'' she explained. "This man could have sent dozens of gifts to women all over London."

"She's right about that,'' Liam agreed.

Louis shook his head. "My gut feeling is that he's coming after one of ours."

Harry had just finished reading Darya's list. It took everything in him to control his reaction to what he'd just read. His hand shook when he placed the paper on the bottom of the pile.

He was going to become a father. He was so damn pleased he wanted to take Darya into his arms and kiss her.

And what a time to find out, he thought to himself. Harry wouldn't let her know he'd read the list, of course. He would wait until she told him. He'd give her until tonight, when they were in bed together...

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