He nodded towards her dog before speaking, "What kinda breed is that?"

"He's a Staffy mix." She let out in a soft voice.

"What's his name?"


He chuckled lightly before licking his lips and leaning back against the chair, tilting his head, "like the jeans, huh?"

Alivia rolled her eyes involuntarily and let out a small scoff at his question.

That was usually the response she received whenever someone asked his name. "Yeah, like the jeans."

She felt uncomfortable in the silence that followed as he looked around her small apartment.

It was quite simple with a bohemian feel to it, plants covering most of the space. The bathroom was the only room with a door, the rest very open planned.

"Just you here?" She nodded in response.

Before he had the chance to say anything else, the lock to the front door let out a small click as it unlocked.

Luckily she'd given Annie a spare key to her place a little while back because at this moment she wasn't sure she'd be able to move.

The three women made their way inside and their expressions changed immediately at the sight of the strange men in front of them.

"Ladies, take a seat," he said and waved his hand toward the sofa.

They all met Alivia's eyes as they closed the distance and took a seat on either side of her. "How do you keep the hair from getting everywhere?"

Alivia looked over at him, puzzled for a second. "Um, I don't."

He let out a quiet hm as he looked between the four of them.

"We didn't know you owned the store." Ruby blurted out as his eyes reached hers.

He laughed as he glanced back at the two men quickly, "I look like some kind of grocery store manager to you? What, like Rotary Club or something? Nah, let's just say we got certain arrangements with some local businesses. We help each other out and whatnot, you know?"

"Like money laundering for drugs?" Beth wondered quietly, her voice nervous.

Ruby turned around and whispered furiously, "I told you it was shady!"

The man sighed as he stood from the chair and grabbed his gun from the kitchen island behind him, "why don't you stop worrying about my business dealings and start figuring out how you gonna pay me my money back."

"We'll get you your money," Alivia told him.

He leaned forward on the back of the armchair, gun still in hand, "that'd be great."

"Most of it," Annie interjected, earning her all the attention.

"Sorry, what?" He questioned as his face hardened and his eyes narrowed.

"Some of it for sure," she continued.

The three other women turned their gaze toward Annie, watching her with incredulous looks.

She glared back at them before snapping, "Oh, what? Like you guys didn't spend a dime?"

"How much Annie?" Beth glared at her younger sister.

"I don't know. Like a hundred," she shrugged, and as she finished her sentence her face fell, "grand."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alivia mumbled with a heavy sigh.

"I'm going to shoot you myself," Ruby said between her teeth, glaring intently at Annie.

"Nah, you're just gonna pay me back is all. Right quick too. With interest." He told them, his expression serious. He nodded his head toward the other men and turned toward the front door. His voice echoed as he was leaving, "see you real soon, yeah?"

 His voice echoed as he was leaving, "see you real soon, yeah?"

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