His Rewards

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People who were used to abuse would find kindness utterly shocking.

That was what happened to Kim Dahyun, the slave Sooyoung saved from Sowon.

Dahyun was given a bed at the maids' bedroom. She used to sleep on the floor at Sowon's kitchen. At Yook family house, she was given a real bed, with a real mattress, a pillow and a blanket. It was the first time she experienced such luxury, and when she first lied herself there, she couldn't stop crying.

She was given proper medicine to heal her wounds and bruises, also a tonic of vitamins to make her recover properly. It was the first time in her life she could have medicine. Medicine consisted of herbs were too expensive for a slave. The only thing she used to treat herself whenever she was ill in the past was drinking warm water, and that was all.

She was also used to eat the leftovers of Sowon's meals, which usually consisted of the hardest rice, bones with little meat on it, and the soup that she had, without barely anything inside. She considered herself lucky for being able to eat at all.

Servants in Yook family eat properly. They believed that if their servants were well-fed, they would be able to work better and faster. That could also reduce the possibility of them stealing. Full bellies would prevent crimes from happening.

They ate whatever Yook family members were eating. When Yook family ate beef or chicken, the servants got the same amount of the delicacies.

Dahyun spent her first day at Yook family's maids' bedroom sleeping like the dead.

She woke up at noon the next day, and Taeyeon herself, the Chief Maid of the pavilion, carried a tray of food for her consisting of rice (real rice, not the hardest part), stir-fried beef and some soup.

She burst out crying again when she found out Taeyeon was not going to have lunch, but that the meal was for her.

Taeyeon was alarmed seeing her cried, and asked what could be the matter, and Dahyun choked, saying, "This is the best meal I've ever had in my entire life."

"..........Kim Sowon was a horrible mistress for you, I guess?"

"..........I was grateful for a roof over my head and some food to battle the hunger. At least I didn't have to sell my body for that."

Taeyeon had to blink her eyes at that. She was indeed lucky to be a maid of Park family then Yook. All of them in that house were. She was glad Sooyoung decided to buy Dahyun.

"Well, in Yook Family House we are treated really well. We got a good salary, we eat really well, and we have enough to give proper shifts and time to rest for everybody. As long as you do your job, you are safe here."

"..............this must be what heaven felt like."

"I am really sorry for what you experienced. Rest assured, your life will be better here. Park Samonim gave you two weeks to rest, as what the physician said."

"I am strong enough to work today!" Dahyun blurted out, "Really, I'll do anything. Give me the dirtiest job in this house, I'll do it! It's the least I could do to show my gratitude."

"No. Stay in bed for two weeks. Sleep. Eat well. You will be healthier and can work better afterwards."


"Samonim needs to bathe Jae Young Doryeonim. I need to go and help her."

"Is there—is there a job near Samonim?"

Taeyeon turned back to Dahyun.

"............not that I could think of right now, she only has one personal maid and that's me. But we'll see."

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