Another You

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Warning: Mature concept, but not that one you're thinking about.

Motherhood was a whole new universe. Like a language Sooyoung had to learn from the first basic words, she was so hesitant and afraid at first, but then instincts kicked in, and she began her journey as a mother with sincerity and mountains of love for her son.

Yook Jae Young was a big baby, and to give birth to him, Sooyoung gave her all. Afterwards, it was as if her body was crushed with a sack of bricks. Her whole body hurt, as if her bones all broke. Changing positions from lying down to sitting up was a huge effort.

Before Lee Young Ae lef, she had asked, "Would you like a wet nurse? Have you chosen one?"

Many wealthy ladies in Joseon era didn't breastfeed their own baby, but gave it to a wet nurse, a woman who just gave birth to her own baby, and let this woman breastfed their baby.

Sooyoung's reaction was frowning at the physician.

"Why would I want a wet nurse? He's my baby. I'll feed him."

"..........are you sure about this? It's going to be a tremendous task."

"He's a tremendous blessing. I'll feed him myself."

"Algesseumnida. Remember, because you just experienced a very trying physical experience, your breastmilk wouldn't come out in a day or two, because your body will still try to recover from giving birth. But don't worry, a baby would be alright to not be fed up to two days, because they wouldn't be doing anything physically draining for a long time. They'll only lie down and breathe, basically. But you can keep on trying to hold your baby to your breast. If your breastmilk is not out yet, at least he'll feel safe in your arms. I'll visit you again tomorrow."

Sooyoung nodded at that.


Sungjae's six friends visited and showered him with well wishes for his heir and wife. They left before dinner, giving Sungjae time to arrive at Sooyoung's pavilion just on time for dinner.

But Sooyoung was sleeping when he reached their bedroom, while the dinner was laid on the room next door as usual.

Taeyeon was sitting on the floor beside the bed, dozing off as well, since she also worked hard helping the delivery.

"Bring our dinner here. Then go to sleep" he said to Taeyeon.

She woke up with a start, bowed, then left to ask two maids laying the dinner near the bed.

Once the servants left, Sungjae patted Sooyoung's shoulder.

"Sooyoung-ah. It's dinner time. You have to eat."

It took him several minutes to wake her up. When she finally did, she blinked at the ceiling, then at Sungjae.

"What time is this, Sungjaenim?"

"Dinner time. You need energy. We brought the dinner here."

Sooyoung sat up with difficulty, leaning at the edge of the bed.

Sungjae filled a bowl with rice, meat and vegetables, before giving it to Sooyoung with the chopsticks.

He filled another bowl and sat in front of her.

For a while, they ate in silence.



"Doesn't this room smell like—blood to you?"

"Ani. It smells normal. The servants aired the room and sprayed your wisteria perfume already."

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