I laughed, "Oh no, sir. It's an inside joke of sorts." I open my case to see if there were still signed stuff I could give him. Luckily, there were still some signed postcards. The picture on it was of Brett and I in front of an empty concert hall. On it was written: Someday, we will all reach the state of Ling Ling. And they were meant to be random giveaways.

I tap his shoulder and hand him two, "For your daughters."

He blindly reached for them and waited until we were at another stop before examining them. "This is great. I was just thinking about asking for your autograph, and asking if you could get one from your partner when we get to the opera house. Thank you, my girls will love this!"

I was satisfied with his response, "We appreciate their support. Please be sure to tell them that."

"Of course, of course! Say, what is your name?" he asked as the traffic started moving again.

"Eddy, sir. Eddy Chen."

"And your partner?"

"Brett Yang, sir." I couldn't keep myself from blushing at the word "partner". He probably meant nothing by it, but that was a loaded word for any gay couple.

"I want you to know. I support you boys fully. And I'm proud of what you're doing. Sorry if that sounds odd." he said before clearing his throat. "I think it's wonderful that you're not afraid to share your love with the world. And on top of that, share your love for music."

I was baffled. He was aware - he knew about Brett and I being in a romantic relationship. And he was supportive of it. My heart swelled, I had to bite back tears. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. I'm sure Brett will too."

The taxi stopped. I didn't even realize we've already arrived at our destination. "Well, good luck on your show. My girls won't make it, but I'm sure someday, if you boys keep on going."

I smiled warmly at him, "We don't plan on stopping any time soon. Maybe someday your girls can play with us in one of our shows?" I said, giving him an assuring nod. I hand him a few bills, "Thank you, sir. For such a pleasant ride."

He nodded, "You get going now. Say hi to Brett for me, alright?"

I got out of the taxi, violin slung over my shoulder, "I hope you get to meet him soon. I'm sure he'd love that."

He smiled and gave a final nod before moving forward, and away.

I blissfully skip to the opera house, not minding the people who gave me funny looks. A stupid smile was plastered on my face as I made my way to the concert hall.

I opened the doors and was surprised to see the lights were all out. I take a reluctant step back, did Brett take a break or something?

Suddenly, a spotlight blinded me. And slowly, the concert hall was illuminated by some lanterns.

Confused, I slowly start walking forward. I kept a hand up, an attempt to lessen the brightness of the spotlight that followed me. When I was in the middle of the hall, the spotlight disappeared. The concert hall was now dimly lit by the lanterns, and I could see a vague shadow onstage.

Suddenly, a soft melody started playing on the piano. It was being played so quietly, so angelically, my whole body froze. Claire de Lune, unmistakable.

The lights of the concert hall started to turn on, but only to lightly illuminate the stage.

Soon, and just as softly, I heard a violin start to play. And there was no mistaking it, Brett was the one making this whimsical sound. Beau Soir, no doubt about it.

It felt so surreal. Two of my favorite pieces, blended into one bizarrely perfect duet. I slowly start to move, making my way closer to the sound. All my emotions flooded in and out of my mind and my heart.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Brett finally turned around, a dim spotlight hitting him just as he had fully turned to face me. He was wearing a navy blue suit jacket and a white polo shirt. He even had a silk tie on - he hates wearing ties.

Suddenly, I panicked. Was I forgetting something? Is it my birthday? Our anniversary? Is today special in some way?

But all my thoughts were silenced when the music came to a gracious stop. Someone silently approached Brett to take his violin and bow away. Another person followed closely, this one handed him a bouquet. He exhaled, only then did I realize that he was wearing a clip-on microphone.

I involuntarily fell on the closest seat, sinking on the cushion, waiting.

He gestured toward the same people who assisted him earlier. This time, they climbed down the stage and made their way to me. Quietly, they helped me up and assisted me onto the stage, on the opposite side from where Brett was standing.

He took a breath, and the piano started playing again. Still Claire de Lune, but much gentler and quieter. I was starting to panic again, so I decide to just focus on Brett.

He stepped forward, "Eddy. I'm sorry I didn't wake you up this morning, but I had to make sure everything was ready for this." he cleared his throat as he took another step, "I know you're panicking right now, please calm yourself. Yes, today is special. But not for any of the reasons you've probably thought of."

I let out a breath, he knows me all too well, doesn't he?

He smiled, "Today, I hope, will be a day you won't ever forget." he was moving again, very slowly making the distance crumble away. "I've planned this out to the very last detail. Thankfully, we've made a lot of friends in our journey, and they've all been very helpful with all this." he nodded toward the other people who were silently watching us.

He turned off his mic as he stopped right in front of me. He hands me the bouquet and offers a reluctant smile. "Eddy," he started, putting a hand into his pocket, "I love you. I cannot believe we've been together for so long, but no less grateful for all that time spent with you. Today, if you can recall, marks the day we finally told each other the truth of our feelings. So no, it's not exactly an anniversary, but it's about to be."

Memories of that day came rushing to me. It ended with happy tears and swollen lips. I can't believe he cared enough to remember the exact date. Tears were starting to overwhelm me, I raise the bouquet to my face, hoping I could stop the tears from falling.

He let out a nervous sigh, "Today, I want to show you the truth of my feelings. I want to show you my intentions, and my vision for our future together." He pulled out a box from his pocket and got down on one knee. He opened the box to reveal the most perfect ring I've ever seen in my life - the same ring I showed him a picture of, telling him it was my "dream engagement ring". I remember because he made a stupid joke about men not wearing engagement rings. This man...

He cleared his throat before lifting his gaze to lock his eyes with mine

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He cleared his throat before lifting his gaze to lock his eyes with mine. He held the box up with his right hand, "Eddy, I am sure this is what I want." He took my left hand with his, I couldn't hold back my tears when I saw the light reflect on the silver piece of jewelry that was already on his finger, "So all I want to know is if you want the same thing." I had to bite down on my lip to keep myself from answering the question before it left his mouth...

"Will you marry me?"

Brett and Eddy: One Shot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now