Hee HEE 5

90 3 0

“Hi Mommy” Eddie said trying to be cheery.

“Hi Eddie how was Billy’s”

“Great, but I have a test coming up so I have to go study alright mommy I love you”

No escape, no escape, no escape, NO ESCAPE, NO ESCAPE, NO ESCAPE.

His mind repeated over and over again getting louder after every word. It began to become too loud for him to bare. His hands shakingly searched for his sleeping meds, as he found them he tried repeatedly tried to open them. A knock came over the voice. He looked at the door, throwing his pill bottle on the floor. Another came and he realized it was the window.

“Richie?” he opened the window, confused as to why he was here.

“Hey I know you hate when I do this, but Bev told me to give this to you” He handed him a piece of fabric.

“The dress?” Eddie let it unfold as he held the shoulders.

“Yeah she never wears it” Richie smiled head resting on the windowsill.

“I have something for you too” He put the dress on his and grabbed a little box from underneath the bed.

He took out a piece of paper before standing up and bringing the box to the window.

“It’s all the christmas and birthday presents from the past 3 years. Now go home Tozier”

“I’ll see you at school tomorrow Eds”

“If you show up” Eddie smiled and closed the window.

Richie walked up to his room holding a shoe box. Opening it he found a few things, they also had little notes taped to them. A walkman equipped with some shitty headphones, the note read ‘when you can’t stop thinking’ he already had one, from Bev, but he wouldn’t know that. A pocket knife which he didn’t know how he was brave enough to even touch ‘Fuck Henry Bowers’ this one read.

Some socks with prints on them ‘stop wearing your shoes without socks.’ A ring that wouldn’t fit any of his fingers ‘this is stupid, but you wear that stupid ring on your finger and it looked lonely’. A pill bottle of vitamins ‘You look malnourished you idiot you best be eating’. And lastly a book he recognized the bookmark in it, it was the book he had given him, ‘I hate you so much Richie, but this book on my shelf it’s like you're here so I’m letting you enjoy the book. Fuck you trashmouth’. He wiped his eyes from the one tear that was falling.

He hated them all, he hated that Eddie still thought about him even after his cowardice got the better of him. He hated he knew all of these things about him and worried about him still. It was disgusting.

“Eddie” Patrick purred in his ear.

“Yes” Eddie wanted anyone else to notice him.

“Park tonight 6 pm”

“The park? But that’s an open area, you said it was always gonna be semi-private” Eddie started to panic thinking he did something wrong and he was going to do everything he said.

“We’re not doing that tonight” His voice was like poisoned sugar.

“Oh uh ok”

“Eddie” Bill smiled standing next to Stan.

“Bill, Stan hi” He started walking towards, but Patrick gripped his wrist tightly.

“Be there or that kid is dead” he let go and walked away.

“Eddie you ok?” Stan questioned because of the look of fear on his face.

“Uh yeah” he paused “Yeah I’m fine” he reassured.

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