“Riche it’s not your fault, you trusted that Henry was sane. Stop fucking crying like a baby on the floor and calm down not even an once blames this on you.” Eddie sounded sincere but his eyes had nothing behind them. “I’m sorry I brought it up it’s just that I’ve been bottling it up for so long” Richie wiped his tears and put his pants on.

“No it’s fine you can continue if you want” Bill stuttered barely able to finish the sentence.

Eddie nods his head, and starts taking off his dress “Hey what the fuck Eds” Richie quickly turned around.

“Stop being a pussy Rich” Bev lectured sitting on her bed watching Eddie undress.

Richie looked back at them to find Eddie’s bruised body. The bruises were different colors and scattered around the boys abdomen. “I’ll kill him” Bill said angered by the view, everyone else agreed.

“He uh sucks your thighs” Richie the first to notice the hickeys on the inner workings of his thigh, after he spoke his face went up in flames. Eddie put his dress back on.

“Yeah it’s fucked but he wants a reaction what better way” Eddie laid back on the bed, sighing at the words he said.

“We should kill him” Bill sat down on the floor shaken up by what his friend had been going through.

“Then we’ll have charged on our hands. And nope can’t turn him in boys who rape boys don’t really get anything and even if he did he would just get bailed out or something and beat the shit out of me. Running away nope mom would find me and Patrick would kill me. Becoming homeschooled isn’t gonna work because he knows where I live. Nothing will work and I’m stuck in this loop of waking up and being abused by fucking assholes” Eddie started to get pissed by the end of the tangent.

They all stayed quiet for a little bit seeing as Eddie was right there was no escape. “The only way out is to die” Eddie’s voice was angeltic while he said this, full of hope and want. Everyone else heard the words as poison and lies.

“Eddie you wouldn’t actually” Bill stuttered scared by what Eddie was referring to.

“You wake up eat poisoned food, go to school have another abuser say that if you don’t meet with him he’ll out someone and stabbed you, you go to lunch don’t eat and no one notices, finish school eat poisoned food again, tell your mom you’re tutoring some kid but really you’re going to get beat up and you can’t tell anyone because they’ll just pity you and that’s not what you want. You go home scrub your skin clean from what he did to you and lie awake thinking that your sleeping pills can make it all go away” he stared at the ceiling as he explained what he was going through.

“Eds come on your not a pussy you wouldn’t do that” Richie was trying to compromise with the boy.

“What’s stopping me” Eddie was serious, he also felt as though he was over sharing which was probably true.

“Come on Eddie you're scaring me I get life’s fucked but one day you can move to Oregon or something find somebody or not and get a good job and live life happily life isn’t just teenage years”

“But that’s the thing think about it. I’m going to have to live with this forever stunted growth and terrible health, being terrified of human contact I already deal with that Richie touches me and I feel as though I need to scrub that piece of skin off. And statically speaking a person who was abused at younger ages is more likely to end up with someone who’s abusive so what’s the point of living if I’m just gonna regret waking up everyday” Richie felt bad for touching him after hearing the words float through him.

“Because you don’t know that you don’t know if it'll last forever, Eddie we’ll make a reason for you to enjoy being alive again” Bill smiled trying to reason with him.

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