Chapter 2 - Clothes Shopping

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Rogue insisted we go clothes shopping today for Lucy. Personally, I hate clothes shopping. How can girls spend hours doing that? Can't they buy just one outfit and leave it at that? Even though I hate clothes shopping, Rogue 'somehow' had a point. Lucy only has the outfit I found her in, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to buy some more for her.

We brought Yukino along to help us choose some cute outfits for Lucy and to help dress her. Lector came along because he wanted to buy himself a new vest since the one he had on had a hole in it and Frosch came along just to follow Rogue.

When we got into town, we found a kids' clothing store so we decided to start there. There were so many colourful clothes that I was almost blinded. While the girls shopped, I stood with the boys near the exit of the store. "Big Brother! Big Brother!" I heard Lucy called out excitedly. She ran over to me wearing a light pink dress with a white ribbon wrapped around her waist and in a bow on her back. "What do you think of this?" she asked as she twirled around in the dress. "That looks very pretty on you" I told her and she smiled widely before running back to Yukino. "Big Brother likes it!" Lucy cheered to Yukino on the other side of the store.

Once Yukino and Lucy finished, I had to pay for about fifteen outfits. I asked Rogue to split the bill with me but like the jerk that he is, he said no. As we walked through the market place, looking for a new vest for Lector, Lucy stopped in front of a store. "Everything alright Lucy?" I asked as we stopped a few steps away from her. She had stars in her eyes as she looked at a weird white snowman with arms and legs plush.

"Ah it's a Nikora. I never knew they made a plush version of them" Yukino said, "Nikora?" I asked. "It's a type of Celestial, one of the silver keys" she replied then Lucy ran to me. "Can I get it Big Brother?" she asked as she tugged on my pants. "Wouldn't you want, I don't know, a cool white dragon plush instead?" I hinted. I'm totally not jealous that Lucy is interested in Yukino's magic more than mine...ok maybe a bit. "Na ah" she replied, shaking her head. I sighed and bought her the Nikora plush. She squealed in delight as she hugged it. "Thank you Big Brother" she said and she signalled me to come down to her level. I kneeled down and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Totally worth buying her that plush.

I held my hand out to her and she happily grasps my hand while carrying her plush in her other hand. We continued our shopping trip and Lector found a turquoise vest he wanted to try on. "Does this vest make me look fat?" he asked as he looked in the mirror. "I don't think that's your colour Lector" I replied honestly.

Beside me, I saw a dark navy blue vest and took it off the rack. "Try this on" I suggested and he tried on the vest. "Hm, I love this vest" Lector said as he inspected himself in the mirror. "We can add some embroidery to that style for a few extra jewels if you like?" the owner spoke up. "I would like to get the Sabertooth insignia embroidered on the back in white please" Lector said as he handed the vest to the owner. "One moment please" the owner replied as he went to the back of his store.

We waited for about five minutes before the owner came back with Lector's new vest. "5,000 jewels please" he said and I handed him the jewels. As we walked back to the guild, Lector strutted his stuff with his new vest on. On the way, I spotted an ice cream store, "do you want some ice cream Lucy?" I asked. "Yeah!" she said as she jumped up in excitement. We walked up to the store, "what flavour?" I asked Lucy. "Strawberry" she replied, "one strawberry and two chocolate please" I ordered. When I received our ice creams, I gave Lucy her strawberry ice cream and gave Lector one of the chocolate ice creams while I kept the other for myself.

Lucy took a bite of her ice cream and accidentally left ice cream on her nose. She went cross-eyed as she looked at the ice cream in her nose and I chuckled. "You look silly" Yukino giggled as she kneeled in front of Lucy. "Look at me" she said and when Lucy looked at her, she wiped the ice cream off her nose with a tissue. Lucy giggled, "that tickled" she said. I took another bite of my own ice cream and now I had ice cream on my nose. "You're just as bad as Lucy" Yukino giggled and wiped the ice cream off my nose. I felt a blush heat up my cheeks and I saw Rogue smirk. I gave him a glare and walked off, pulling Lucy along with me.

As soon as we were back at the guild, Lucy let go of my hand to go play with some of our guildmates. I saw she was showing them her new plush toy. "Look what Big Brother got me!" she would tell them and I couldn't help but smile brightly. "You look stupid with that grin on your face" Rogue said and I whipped my head towards him. "Shut up Rogue!" I shouted at him and he chuckled before wandering off.

"Sometimes I hate him" I mumbled to myself and then remembered I still had paperwork to work on. I totally forgot because of all the excitement of finding Lucy. I sighed before dragging my feet towards my office. Why can't paperwork fill itself out?

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