I paused at one that had caught my eye. It was a statue of a male angel, his wings frayed out behind him, cradling the body of a woman. They gazed lovingly down on each other as if the space that existed between them was too far, as if they needed to be closer. However, they were stuck; frozen in marble and forever damned to be close enough to touch, but never close enough to express how they felt. 

Thud thud. Thud thud. Thud thud

"What do you want?" I didn't dare turn around to face the man I knew now stood behind me. 

My soul began to prowl beneath my skin, like a beast waiting for the right opportunity to pounce. I could feel its power condensing right beneath the surface, ready to blow at any sudden move. 

I should've stayed with Siena. He never would've had the courage to approach me when I wasn't alone. Or maybe he would've. I obviously didn't know him as well as I thought I did. 

"You look beautiful, Jordan," Grey breathed, his voice cracking a little as he spoke my name. 

"Goodbye, Grey," I clenched my jaw, his name feeling like acid on my tongue. 

I turned on my heel and began to walk away, but his hand gripped my arm to stop me. His touch sizzled the surface of my skin, electricity flowing from my arm throughout the rest of my body like a tidal wave. 

How. Dare. He. 

I spun around to face him, eyes blazing. However, the second I laid eyes on him, my heart paused before continuing to beat again. His midnight hair was disheveled, as always, but now- now it appeared like he had been running his hands through his hair out of anxiety rather than out of habit. It looked like it had been gelled back, but he had messed with it. His normally cerulean eyes appeared a glacial blue- shallow and distant. His skin had lost in normal Angelic glow and now appeared sullen and almost grey. He looked terrible. He was still ridiculously beautiful, but he had lost the spark that made him who he was. He looked nothing like the man I loved. 

I faltered. "Don't you ever touch me again," I seethed, ripping my hand from his grasp. 

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to-," he paused, taking a deep breath and gazing down into my eyes as if he still loved me. 

"Used to what? Me hating you?" I spat. 

"I'm glad you're able to even speak to me, honestly. I'll take what I can get," he offered a dazzling half smirk, but it didn't meet his eyes. 

"What do you want, Grey?" I folded my arms sternly across my chest, glaring at him coldly. 

"I was worried about you," he let out a heavy sigh, eyeing me. 

"You don't get to be worried about me. First of all, you did this. Second, I'm fine. I don't need you. I never did," I retorted. 

Those words appeared to hit the mark, as Grey visibly winced and sucked in a painful breath. His eyes rose to meet mine, the ice in his gaze melting just long enough for me to witness the sorrow behind them. Goosebumps erupted across the surface of my skin and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I hated seeing him in that much agony. I never wanted to see him in that much pain, regardless of how badly he's hurt me. 

So, like the coward I was, I broke his gaze and turned away from him. 

"You should go," I murmured. 

"I needed to see you. Jordan, you have to know- surely you must know, I still lo-,"

"Don't finish that sentence. Save it for someone who will return the sentiment," I turned, giving him one last cool glare before turning on my heel and sauntering down the hallway. My footsteps echoed off the walls of the hallway like my heartbeat off of my ribcage, but it sounded- hollow?

How did Grey manage to twist my heart so badly that it only ever beat for him, even after everything he's done? How is it, that even after he literally shattered me, I couldn't bear to look him in the eye after telling him I never needed him? Why couldn't I bask in his pain like he had done in mine? 

I knew the reason. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. 

Like I said- I'm a coward. A coward who can't admit she still loves the man who tore her apart. 

I could feel tears begin to well up in my eyes as my heartbeat began to falter, as if searching for that steady beat that used to confidently guide it through immortality. The agony in my chest was unbearable. Seeing him like that- I couldn't do it. I loved him too much. I hated him for what he did, what he's doing to me now- but God I loved him.

 I'd done that to him. I knew I was the reason why he looked so hollow. 

Part of me screamed that it wasn't my fault, that he was the one who tore us apart. The other part of me screamed that it was my fault he was in pain, that I should forgive him and move on. My soul was pounding wildly against the underside of my skin, begging to be released and escape my inner turmoil. 

My footsteps became faster and faster as I continued walking, no longer paying attention to where I was going. I don't know where I was headed, all I knew is that I needed out. 

"Jordan?" A serene voice greeted me from a few feet in front of me. 

I glanced up, my vision blurred with tears. 

"Michael," I breathed. 


Sorry to leave you on a little cliffhanger, but I'll be back soon (hopefully within the next few days with a nice long chapter for y'all). 

I do wanna know your thoughts on all of this if you have any. 

Thoughts on Grey?

Thoughts on Jordan?

Thoughts on binding her soul?

Thoughts on literally anything :)

Okeee. That's all. Until later my children. 


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