Chapter 6: eating

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*picture above is of Luna's roommate Jinn!** (ps i honestly have no idea who that person actually is 🙈)


The bell rings for supper so we head on down to the dinning hall.

Im pretty much following Jinn like a lost puppy!

Eventually we reach a huge room with lines of tables. Theirs a buffet lining the back wall with a large variety of delicious looking foods.

Maybe ill allow myself a few nibbles.

Jinn probably saw me staring at the food and decided to explain "thats to show you what their is, the staff will make you a full nutritious meal and give it to you, each meal is set up for each specific person. So your meal may be different then mine depending on what you need."

My eyes widen, i completely forgot they are trying to fix my eating habits. This is going to suck.

"Luna?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

I turn around and instantly grin "hey percy."

"I thought that was you, how was the greeting they gave you?" He says as a joke but just thinking back to it makes me shiver.

Striping in front of them was the worst thing ive ever had to do.

"Bad, that was friggen horrid." I state.

He nods his head in agreement, his face morphed in disgust.

"Well at least its over, look at all that amazing food!" He cheers.

I smile at him but then remember something "hey when did you get here?"

"This morning at like 8:00, my step dad was eager to get rid of me." He mumbles.

I debate on asking him about his step dad but decide to hold it off for now.

I give him a sad smile before saying "oh, i got here like an hour ago." I look beside me and immediately feel bad for not introducing Jinn to percy.

"Oh! And percy, this is Jinn my roommate." Then i look at Jinn "Jinn, this is percy, this is a guy i met at the hospital before coming here."

"Wow i thought we were friends!" He jokes.

I roll my eyes "yeah yeah yeah, details details."

He scoffs and puts his arm around my shoulder then looks to Jinn "yeah were besties."

I shrug him off me and side step away "more like strangers that met once and-

"Saved you from an anxiety attack, let alone stayed by your side when you were unconscious, so yeah- besties." Percy says confidently.

I laugh and push his shoulder "whatever, idiot."

He smiles and we walk to a table sitting down.

"So now what?" I ask to anyone thats listening.

"We wait for the staff to bring us our food, we all normally have a certain person that gives us the meal and gets to know us, they are the ones that retrieve us for our one on one therapy sessions." Trix fills in as she sits down beside me.

"Oh okay, sounds like alot of work for them." Seriously though, they bring us our food? I feel like im rich and their my butler or something.

As we sit and continue our conversation people in blue uniforms start bringing people food.

"Hey Jinn, heres your meal; corn, chicken breast, carrots and a piece of bread. Also theres orange juice. For desert you have a piece of apple pie." The lady explains and sets it all down. "Please eat as much as you can and remember to keep it down, beautiful."

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