Chapter 7 Dancing Hands

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"I wanna show you something." "I don't know if that's a good idea, Frank..." "Come on, scaredy cat. Missing one lesson won't kill ya.", Frank grabbed Snow's wrist, she was hesitant but he just dragged her along, walking to the backside of the school. Snow kept walking behind Frank, he never ceaced to amaze her with is randomness and it felt great to break free from the predetermined daily routine she had followed before. The example of her mother was a constant reminder that she needed to get her life together or else she could end up just like her...

"We're here, now close your eyes." Snow did as he said, she closed her eyes and waited in anticipation "Now hold up your hands, babe.", she extended her hands, the palms facing up and after the soft sound of moving fabric she felt a chunky, cold and heavy something being handed to her. She opened her dark brown eyes to see a small, dark blue box in her left hand and a wierd handle in her right hand. Frank took the box and opened it for her, showing her the delicate necklace inside. It had two intertwined hearts as a pendant with a small rhinestone in it's tail "It's so beautiful...", she whispered, her eyes filled with tears "Let me put it on for you." Frank quickly rounded her and brushed her hair off to one shoulder to close the necklace. Snow took the time to observe the other object in her hand. She turned it and soon found a small button that quickly extended the sharp hidden blade, the sudden movement made her flinch "You're quite the natural.", Frank laughed as he turned the girl by her shoulders so she was facing him again "It took me a bit to figure out how to use it." Snow inspected the blade and saw two letters engraved: F M. "Why would you give that to me?", she asked genuienly curious "Dunno. I got a new one and I wanted to give you something personal. No worries though - I cleaned and sharpened it for ya.", Frank answered as he scratched the back of his neck. Snow was sure that he didn't think too much about it. She leaned closer to Frank and placed her lips on his cheek, she whispered a small "Thank you." when she pulled away. Now it was Frank's face that was graced by a small blush, his heart was racing and his thoughts were launched into space. Her small acts of kindness were the once that hit him the most. 

"Now, let's put it to use. I'll teach ya how to throw a knife.", Frank tried to get his head back to work right and Snow looked at him confused, the boy noticed her expression and smirked "Y'know, I thought that maybe we should have a common hobby, other than..." "YEAH WHATEVER, I GOT IT.", she interrupted him, knowing exactly what he was about to say "...banging.", Frank laughed and Snow groaned "Anyways, let's go." Frank grabbed Snows hand and dragged her along again. Snow soon realized that they were heading towards the woods "I already prepared a little something for you to practice. Lucky you, I'm a master knife thrower." His words send shivers down her spine. Sure Snow tried to forgive and forget how their first encounter went, but the more time she had spent with him the more she witnessed how skilled he actually was with his knife. It made her realize how leniently it had went for her back there. "Babe are you alright?", Frank turned around to look at her with a worried expression "Uh... I... I was just kinda zoning out.", his voice had interrupted her trail of thought "Are you sure? Should we go home instead?", he kept on asking, placing his hands on her shoulders "NO", her answer was louder than she had anticipated and she felt him flinch a little "No... I'm alright.", she added - quieter this time, forcing a smile to show Frank that she really was fine but Frank wasn't convinced by her acting. "I want you to talk to me openly.", he said, taking both her hands in his and looking into her face sternly "I know that it's not 'alright'. And as your boyfriend I want to lift the things that bother ya off your shoulders, you don't have to suffer alone my princess." Snow sighed "I just have a lot of things in my mind right now. You're the only person who knows so much about me, it's kinda freaking me out sometimes." "You see, it's the same for me. I never really had anyone, was passed around from one bag of dicks to the other... It's kinda wierd now to know someone actually cares." 

Without a warning Frank broke the moment they'd shared, grabbed the knife from inside his pocket and threw it, hitting one of the many soda cans that were placed in the branches. Snow was dumbfounded, Frank went from pouring his heart out to viciously murdering an empty can in the blink of an eye.  "See? Told ya I'm a professional.", he smirked at the smaller girl next to him, proud of his achievement but Snow didn't seem to be as amused as he was. "Babe, what's wrong? You need to tell me, NOW.", he rested his hands on her shoulders once more and looked at her with an angered expression. Snow took a deep breath, she knew that she wouldn't be able to avoid Frank how she felt any longer "It's just... I had to think back to when we first met. I know I acted like a bitch but when you pulled the knife I was so scared. I had to think back to my mom and..." "You're scared of me.", Frank spoke out the words that she tried to avoid. His face was a pained grimace as his hands fell off her shoulders, grazing her arms on their way down. His posture was leaned foreward as he slouched to retrieve his knife from the nearest tree. "Frank, wait!", Snow clenched her fists and sprinted after Frank. She didn't know that he'd be so hurt by it and she felt bad for not getting her shit together after everything they'd shared. She caught up to him quickly since Frank didn't really made an effort to get away from her. It hurt to have her next to him, knowing that she was so very afraid of him. Frank knew that it was only his fault that she felt that way towards him, but it still pained him. He didn't dare to look into her eyes but he knew that her dark gaze was fixated on him. He heard her breath in loudly "You're right, I am a bit scared but more than that I-I really love you Frank." Frank froze, he lifted his dark brown eyes to meet hers. "And I know... I know you love me too.", she added nervously, her hand fumbling with the end of her sweater while her other hand was still holding onto the knife tightly. 

Moments passed and Frank still stared at her. Now he was the one speechless his mind still trying to process what she just told him, but it was in vain. His thoughts were racing at the speed of light until they were wiped from his mind by the sensation of soft lips gently placed upon his chapped ones. They'd shared many intimate moments and had confessed their love many times but for the first time Frank's feelings were completely honest. He had always seen her as a naive young girl he could seduce into submission as a way to get out of the life he lived before but for the first time he felt truly connected to another human being. He closed his eyes as let the feelings flood his body and guide his movements to embrace the girl infront of him. Snows smaller arms wrapped around him in response and a small satisfied hum emitted from her body. 

Frank knew that he'd do anything to protect her. She wasn't his prey anymore, now she was his equal. 

Weeeeee. This took me like 8000 years to finish, I wasn't really sure in which direction I wanted to take the story so I took the time to flesh out Frank's and Snow's character and hopefully I can go in the direction I want to take it. 

Anyways I hope you liked it as always and see you in the next chapter!

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