Chapter 3 School

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The sun shone into Frank's face, waking him up mercilessly. He groaned as he got up and went to the bathroom - he just wanted to change and get the fuck out of this house. As he striped off his sweater and the shirt underneath he stared into the mirror. Dark brown eyes framed by dark circles along with chapped lips and messy bedhair curls greeted him. Great, I don't only feel like shit, but I look like shit too, he thought as he looked at his reflection. He had a serious case of a resting bitch face but he couldn't care less - he even liked it: People would just leave him alone when he glared at them. With a sigh he hopped into the shower bracing himself for the cold water that would come out of the pipe. He quickly exited, shivering as he dried himself off. He ran back into his room, ransacking the bag where he kept his clothes in for something to wear. Another sweater, another pair of cargo pants and his leather jacket would do. As he exited his room he grabbed his boots. They were still wet from his walk yesterday but he had no other choice. Pushing back his dark brown hair, he put them on and grimaced at the feeling of his socks getting soaked. He turned left and started walking to school, his steps slow from the snow that fell through the night. Frank was passing the house next to his as he heard someone call "Hey! Yeah you...", he turned around to face the man that lived next to him. Frank cocked an eyebrow as he watched the man fumbling with the ice scraper in his hands "It's pretty snowy. How about I give you a ride to school?" "No thanks, I'm fine." "Come on, I insist. I have to drive my daughter anyways, so it's no hassle for me." Frank shrugged at his words. He was never driven to school before so why not try it in his senior year. "Thanks, I guess...", he mumbled as he came closer to the man which in return gave him a sympathetic smile "SNOWIE! COME DOWN!", he yelled as he turned towards the house. A few moments later the door opened and Frank couldn't help but flinch. He completely forgot that SHE was living next to him, but as he watched her eyes widen, he couldn't help but let the cocky smirk creep up his face. "I told him that he should drive with us.", her father explained "The snow got pretty bad last night and I can't let that boy walk all the way up to school." The girl he learned was called Snow just nodded. Her face was pale and she went straight to the car to get in. Frank watched her as she opened the door and sat down in the back seat behind her the driver's seat. "Let's go kids." the older man said as he got into the car. Frank decided to sit in the passenger seat, as far away from the girl as possible. Her father didn't deserve to have a bitch like that as a daughter, Frank's eyes wandered towards the rear mirror where he saw the girl he now knew as Snow sitting, making a pouting face as she looked outside. "How do you like Ormond so far?" great, smalltalk "It's okay I guess...", Frank shrugged. He hated smalltalk and was for the first time in his life greatful to see a school, he could finally get out and wouldn't be forced to keep talking. Frank could swear if he would have to bear this guy a bit longer he'd get diabetes, but what ticked him off the most was that this girl had a father like that and acted like the greatest bitch on earth - daddy's little bitch, I guess.

"Thanks for driving me.", Frank said as he got out of the car. He decided to be a real 'dick' and open the car door for Snow. She hesitately got out of the car and stood next to him. Her father waved at them as he drove off. "What was that for?", she asked "I dunno, just wanted to be friendly.", Frank shrugged "Y'know what they say, keep friends close and enemies closer." He smirked as she seemed to blush "And what am I to you?", she asked, an angry glare in her eyes "A pitty bitch", Frank looked at her, his smirk fading until it was replaced by his usual annoyed glance once more. He saw Snow's face crunching up in anger - the word 'bitch' seemed to trigger her. Noted. "Stop staring and come on, or Harri'll be mad at us again." he started walking without waiting for the girl to follow but he was sure that she'd do so soon. Soft steps echoing behind him in the hallway, told him that she was in fact following him. He slowed down, walking next to the girl to make it look less awkward. "Act natural.", he whispered in her ear and she nodded in response, gaining a quick but geniue smile from him. Frank opened the door "Ladies first.", he said smirkingly. Seeing her all pissed and worked up amused him and he'd try to push his limits, seeing what other reactions he could get from her.

The school day flew by as Frank clinged to Snow, she wouldn't really respond to his talking unless she really had to but Frank pushed her to make it look like she showed him around at school.

"Morrison-" "Frank.", he interrupted her as she initiated a conversation, Snow sat down on the stairs "Uh... Frank? What do you want from me?", Snow looked at him with a stern face. Until now she had followed him around, playing his stupid game, his smirk always reminding her of the the situation he put her in not even 24 hours earlier. Whenever he turned towards her she expected him to pull out his knife and hold it up to her throat again, but she knew he wasn't that stupid. She knew that he used her fear and played with it, making her feel so stupid by how easily he could manipulate her feelings. She was the one that wanted to get back on him but her dad hat ruined that for her. Now she was stuck - with HIM. "... did you even listen to me?", she suddenly heard him ask. "Eh...uh..." "It's alright, I know I got quite the looks.", Frank wriggled his eyebrows as his face came closer to hers. Snow blushed, her body was clearly yearning for some affection but not from that guy. She had heared all kinds of stuff from Olivia - as she had plenty of experience - but her mind yelled at her: This guy held a knife into her face yesterday and he had also messed with her body. Frank leaned in closer until she felt his breath on her skin, making her own hitch as she felt her cheeks heat up. Soon his lips hovered over hers and Snow's lids tried to close. She could only imagine what the sensation of her fist kiss would feel like; "Earth to Snowie.", Frank chuckled as Snow's face paled. She was unsure if she was embarrased or dissapointed - maybe both. "I'll kill you one day...", she muttered under her breath. "I just got my revenge, I guess we're good now.", Frank shrugged,  he slowly shuffled in his spot, making it obvious that he wanted to get up but Snow pulled him down at his collar. Her lips crashed down onto his, Frank was only able to watch her with his eyes wide open, her red cheekes seemed to glow and soon he pushed himself into the kiss as well. "Start...what you...finish, boy.", Snow huffed angrily as she pulled away "You're good for a first timer.", Frank smiled and watched as her face grew an even deeper shade of red as she brushed away her dark brown hair, but it just fell back into her face. Frank's hand slowly reached up and pushed her hair behind her ear. "I think we're good.", Snow slowly got up. She first wanted to get her revenge on Frank but getting her first kiss from the hottest boy she'd ever seen was a fair deal.

The bell ring and signalised that the lesson was over. Snow got up and rushed out of the classroom, she agreed on meeting with Frank after class since they had different subjects. Her father told them that he'd pick the both of them up after school. In the hallway she met Olivia "Where've you been girl?" She greeted her "I'm sorry Liv, I was just really busy. In fact I'm kinda busy right now, I'll see ya.", she kissed Olivia on the cheek as she ran down the hallway leaving her friend dumbfounded. Frank waited at her locker and pushed himself away from it as he saw her approach "Let's go home.", he took her hand and walked her out of the building. She sighed as she saw her fathers car, hesitately she slid her hand out of his grasp and continued to walk next to him. When they got into the car, Frank decided to sit next to Snow in the back seat. "So I wondered, do you want to come over for some dinner?", her father asked "If that's okay.", Frank answered as he looked into the rear mirror to see her father smile. Snow glanced between the both of them with annoyance. She got what she wanted why did Frank had to stick around further...

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