Chapter 9 We are Legion

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Snow, Julie and Suzie were cowering near a tree and washing off the blood as good as possible using the fresh snow while Joey and Frank were busy with hiding the corpse of the shop's janitor. The three girls didn't dare to say a word since Joey and Frank had left, still unable to fully process what just happened. „He's dead, he's fucking dead...", Julie stammered every now and then „He's dead, we killed a guy..." Suzie started crying again and grabbed Snow's arm in an attempt to calm down. She in return stroked Suzie's head and whispered reassuring nothings into her ear. Julies green eyes fell on her pink haired best friend crying in the arms of a girl she tried to hate so deeply, but she couldn't help but admit that Snow had saved her and Frank from that man. „I'm sorry." ,Julie's statement was answered by a confused look of Snow „I kinda couldn't really stand you. But you saved us.", she added. „It's alright.", Snow answered, she didn't really knew what Julie was trying to get at but she felt relieved that she seemed to not hate her that much anymore. „No it's not. I was so jealous that you were the one to get together with Frank, while he completely ignored me. But now I see that you care about him just as much... it wasn't fair from me." Snow shook her head. „As I said, it's alright. We can still become something like friends if you want to.", she smiled at Julie and for the first time she witnessed Julie smiling at her aswell. Suzie's tension seemed to be relieved by the fact that the two girls ended their 'war' and she jumped up to pull the two of them into a tight group hug. Snow felt the heavy burden from their deed being lift off of them a bit by doing something so lighthearted and she couldn't help but giggle. 

„I see you're already feeling better.", Franks slightly raspy voice broke their happy moment and the girls turned around to face Frank and Joey who had cleaned of themselves aswell. „We have to get away from here. First let's grab our stocks from the cabin, I will get us a car.", Frank said and the whole group looked at him in shock. „Leave? Like that?", Julie asked „Forever?", Suzie added. Joey just stood there, a look of guilt on his face, he must've already had that discussion with Frank on their way back. „Well...", Snow started as she walked up to Frank, squeezing his hand, „We can't stay here right now, so it would be best to just disappear – for now.", she looked sad but she knew that it was the best thing they could do for now.  Frank was glad that Snow supported his decision, he secretly was only waiting for an opportunity to get away from this hicksville, especially with her and the rest of his friends. "Joey, take Julie and Suzie and pack everything you can, Snow and I will be back soon. We'll meet at the slip road." The three teenagers nodded and headed deeper into the forest. When Frank turned around he saw that Snow had pulled her mask over her face again and the hood of her jacket to hide her hair. "Babe are you alright?", he asked, his voice filled with anticipation. "Y-yeah... I'm fine. Dad'll be better off without me anyways and Olivia must've forgotten about me already.", Frank noticed how her voice was at the verge of breaking but she tried her best to sound determined and he decided that it was for the best to leave it like that. He pulled down his own mask and squeezed her hand before heading off walking at the edge of the forest until they reached their houses. "Dad's already asleep.", Snow remarked as she looked into her home through the window. "Get what you need, I'll take Clive's car in the meantime.", Frank whispered and ran up to the backdoor of Clive's house. 

Snow was standing in her room, she had packed her backpack with clothes, more food and her sketch book. She tried to write a letter for her Dad telling him that she was alright and that he didn't have to worry about her, but she decided to crumble the piece of paper. As she walked out of the room she heared steps and the light to the livingroom turning on. "fuck fuck fuck...", she whispered to herself. She turned around and saw her only way out: out of the window onto the porch roof. So she climbed on her desk and opened the window, not daring to look back another time in fear that she would have a change of heart. Snow swallowed and blinked away the tears forming in her eyes before she jumped and landed safely on the roof. The girl turned her head to the sound of a car engine coming to live and saw that Frank had started Clive's truck. She jumped down and started running towards the street, waving her hand at Frank do drive a little further away from her house. When the car stopped she jumped into the passenger seat and quickly closed the door. The truck smelled like old smoke and spilled booze but she couldn't care less at the moment. "I saw the light, did he catch you?", Frank asked worried "No. I jumped through the window though..." Snow answered and Frank giggled a bit "The princess running away like a real pro." Frank took a sharp turn before Snow had a chance to protest. She slid across the bench until she bumped into Frank who layed his arm around her after shifting gears. "Could you light me a cig?", he asked and Snow reached into his pocket to get the pack of cigarettes and a lighter he stole earlier. She hated it when he smoked but she understood that he must've been as stressed as she was. She placed the end of the cigarette in Frank's already open mouth and lit up the lighter. Frank could've done this by himself but he enjoyed getting spoiled by his girlfriend a bit so he acted like he really needed to concentrate on the road ahead of them then inhaled deeply before exhaling the smoke out of the window. "What's next?", Snow asked while looking out of the window, watching houses and trees passing by. "I honestly don't know.", Frank groaned "I fucked up big time and pulled you all in."Frank didn't took his eyes off the street but he looked beaten. For the first time in his life he wasn't sure what would await him, he had no escape plan and was responsible for four other lives now. "Don't blame yourself. We're all in this together.", Snow said after a moment of silence, she wanted to continiue but came to a halt when she saw the rest of their group at the edge of the street, with shopping bags in their hands and backpacks on their backs. Julie and Suzie jumped into the back of the truck and Joey sat next to Snow so she was between him and Frank. When everyone was seated Frank started the truck once again and they drove off heading to the highway. 

"Jo Frank. I found somebody's drawings when we went back to the hut. He had left this rad sketches.", Joey explained while holding up a piece of paper that had a writing on it "The Legion.", Snow read out loud "That's a cool name, what do you think Frank?", she turned her head to look at Frank and he nodded in agreement and Snow giggled at the thought of having a cool 'gang name' now. Frank continiued driving, trying to clear his head to think about their next move while Joey decided to polish everone's knifes. Julie and Suzie were huddled up in the back of the truck, covered by blankets and Snow felt her eyelids getting heavier as well. I guess we're The Legion now, huh?, she thought to herself as she slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber, her head resting on Frank's shoulder, deeply breathing in her beloved scent of vanilla mixed with metal and fading smoke. 

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