25.) La Vie En Rose

Start from the beginning



"I see you've found my little surprise," Phoebe smiles and cackles like a mad man when he finally comes back from his errands.

"Why....why didn't anyone tell me!," His smile falls at my growl and I slowly stride over to him, my heartache replaced with a burning rage.

He puts his hands up in surrender, "I was the only one leaving you clues! Cherie asked me to, but-,"

"Cherie asked you? Do you still talk with her? Why isn't her phone working?," He offers for us to have a seat at the kitchen table and though my boiling anger is bubbling itself up for expulsion, I take a deep breath and sit down.

"She disconnected herself from your finances. She was too afraid you'd do it yourself if you ever seen the bills,"

I guess that makes sense. I've been a real prize. My poor angel.

"Uh, anyway- Here's your costume that you asked for. It should fit. Why are you dressing as this anyway?," He smirks at my childish choice of dress, but I think it'll be a good icebreaker. Who knows if Cherie will even want to look at me after the way I treated her!

"I haven't got time to explain. I need to get ready, did you bring the gift?," I ask as I open the costume and examine it for size.

"Yes it's already been wrapped. I don't know if Rose will be pleased with a giant trampoline for a one year old," he comments with a chuckle.

"Oh, she'll be thankful. The way Emmy has already taken to walking, she'll be running in no time and then she'll need someplace to take out her energy,"

Funny how dad mode has just flipped its switch to autopilot. I miss my beans. I...my baby Charlie...I was so mean to her...



"You better be back here in time, Cherie! I can't believe you're not going to help me set up!," I feel badly for going off on her, but the girl has had her head in the clouds for weeks now.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I've just got some important things to take care of. I swear I will make it back in time,"

She's being really suspicious and jumpy. I can see the anxious look in her eye whenever I ask her a question.

"Ahuh...what could possibly be more important than this? You're my best friend, you- you're gonna lose the godmother title, just keep playing up with me!," A childish tactic, I know, but somethings got to get through to her.

The side of her mouth turns down to a frown. She's so defeated. I hate to see her like this. If only she would let us explain everything to Freddie. Maybe he'd remember, maybe they could be happy again.

"I'll be back. I'll be late if I don't leave now...," She turns to the children that are in the garden chasing the bunnies around their rabbit holes. Quickly, she says her goodbyes, mostly getting ignored by the busy bubs. When she leaves, she pecks my cheek and promises to return as fast as she can.

"Auntie Rosie?," I take a seat at the picnic table as little Rich tugs on my arm.

"Yes, my love," I answer him with a smile. I love this little boy to pieces, he can really talk with you like a little adult.

"Auntie- It Emmy big party day," he smiles a big grin, showing off his tiny teeth before dusting off his costume. I nod my head at him waiting to hear the question that's swimming in his big brown eyes.

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