A Proposition

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Chapter 2: A proposition

(Disclaimer! I own nothing of SVTFOE or Atlantis)

Marco went into his apartment soaking wet from the rain.

"Here kitty..."

He noticed somebody sitting on a chair.

"Marco Ubaldo Diaz," she said.

"Wait a second.... Who are you and how did you even come down here?"

"I came down the chimney, ho ho ho. My name is Eleanor Rosewood, and I've come here on behalf of my employer who has an intriguing proposition for you."

"Employer? Who would that be?"

Later Eleanor was driving Marco to a mansion.

"Step lively as Mr. Skeeves does not like to be kept waiting."

Marco followed her into the elevator.

"It be best to address him as Mr. Skeeves, or sir, stand unless asked to be seated, and keep your sentences short and to the point. Clear?"

Marco gulped.

"And also relax," Eleanor said, "He doesn't bite.... often."

Marco looked around the room.

He then saw a picture of his grandfather with Mr. Skeeves.


"He was the greatest explorer I've met in my entire life."

Marco was looking at Mr. Skeeves who was stretching.

"Harold Skeeves, nice to meet you."

He shook his hand.

"Care to join me."

"You knew my grandfather?"

"Oh yeah, Miguel Diaz, he was a go getter, and kept pushing on til his last breath no matter how dangerous the trial. He even dragged me along for some of his adventures."

"Funny but he didn't really mention you."

"Why would he?" Asked Mr. Skeeves as he stretched again, "He knows I like privacy."

"So is there a reason why I'm here Mr. Skeeves?"

"Check out that table."

He was pointing with his feet.

"This package.... Its from my grandfather."

"He wanted you to have it the most, and he said if anything should happen to you I should give it to you when I'm ready."

He opened it and couldn't believe his eyes.

"I.... I can't believe it," he said surprised, "Its Glossaryck's journal. Its the key to finding Mewni."

"I wasn't born yesterday young man."

Marco kept looking at it.

"There's coordinants, blueprints, clues, and everything that's been written in a language nobody could understand."

"It looks fake."

He was changing clothes.

"If it were fake my grandfather would know, and I would know, but I would risk anything I had to prove this is the real journal."

"So how are you gonna do that?" Asked Mr. Skeeves sitting down.

"Get some funding or something, I can talk to the museum..."

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