47 Nightwing and Robin vs Gang Orca

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Todoroki: what are you doing I had him

They both started to argue with that shiketsu saying how Todoroki was just like his dad but Izuku and I know Shoto and he's not like his dad they were being distracted which gave one of the benchmen a opportunity to shoot Todoroki

Orca Terrorist: like my cement gun? Good luck tryin to move when that gardens up

Gang Orca: this is outrageous I can't believe you're arguing

Just then more of his henchmen started shooting at them so todoroki made a icewall at the same time that shiketsu guy was telling him how he met endeavor and rejected giving him an autograph

Kota mind: really he's mad just because he thinks Shoto is like his dad that's just stupid

Shoto went to attack again but the shiketsu guy kept messing it up the flames Todoroki shot change into mine and shindo's direction and was about to hit us until I felt a hand around my hood and I was lifted to the air I turned to see it was Izuku with shindo on his other hand getting us to safety

Izuku: Damnit! What are you two doing?!

We three crash down we saw that gang Orca approach him and first took out shiketsu guy with his henchmen shooting at him

Orca Terrorist: Got 'im!

Gang orca then turned to Shoto and use his quirk as yoarashi fell to the ground his men then came running at us

Izuku: I need to hold them off

Then shindo woke us and use his quirk to make them all fell to the ground

Shindo: go get them

Izuku POV

Izuku: ready robin

Kota: as ready as you Nightwing

We ran in first throwing our Wingdings to the holes in their weapons then went in for strike Kota hit them all in the chest with us staff and I whack them and disarm them with my eskrima sticks but also using my quirk kicking them all In The head

Izuku: SMASH!!!

One guys swung his arm to hit me so I ducked and gave him a headbutt and then grabbed his shoulders and gave him a knee to the chest and grabbed his arm and threw him as for Kota he grabbed a soldering by the arm and threw him while anothe tried to get the jump on him but kota jumped and kicked him as one guy went to attack me Kota jumped on him and...

One guys swung his arm to hit me so I ducked and gave him a headbutt and then grabbed his shoulders and gave him a knee to the chest and grabbed his arm and threw him as for Kota he grabbed a soldering by the arm and threw him while anothe tried t...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Izuku: I taught him well

Just then class 1-a show up and came and help even the students from shiketsu came to help us more Kota and I faced gang orca inside and fire and wind trapped but then he'd blew it away with a ultrasonic wave he then went to grab Todoroki and yoarashi

Izuku mind: get away from those two

Kota and I jumped and tried to land a hit but he blocked our attacks

Todoroki: how do they do it

Gang Orca: you really thought that would work

Izuku: actually you fell for the trap

Gang Orca was confused until I click on my belt and activated the self human taser shock and he got electrified and Kota and hit him with everything we got I threw a smoke bomb to blind him and then I hit him in his leg cause him to fall and I punch him in the chest and then Kota got him from behind and got him in an arm lock and the the buzzer rang

Mera: all of the HUC survivors have been rescue meaning the provisional licensing Exam has officially been completed

Orca Terrorist: sorry boss but these two are just so strong they even took you down

Gang: it fine seeing how they worked together they'll make excellent heroes

After that battle we changed back to our uniforms

Mera: I should probably explain the way we evaluated you between HUC and those of us at the hero public commission we had a two fold demerit system that we used to determine your total scores in other words we were evaluating you based on how few mistakes you made in a crisis situation anyway the names of those who passed are listed here in alphabetical order keep my words in mind as you searchw the ace for your name

Izuku mind: Midoriya, Midoriya, Midoriya

Kota mind: Kota, Kota,Kota

Kota and I both saw what shocked us

To Be continue.....

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