"In order to grow and be the man you are, you gotta decide between two things." 

Then I would look at her and wonder what the hell she was talking about and she would chuckle. "Are you gonna let them define you and stop you from doing what you need to do," She would tilt her head and I would frown, letting her know that it wasn't that easy as she thought. "Or are you going to keep trying and trying until you reach that finish line?" Her frown would leave her lips and she would stare into my eyes, an adamant look set all over her face.

"Choose wisely because I know the man that you'll become, Ezra Moore."

I clutched at my shirt, twisting the gold ring around my finger, my vision blurry at the rush of water. "I can't, Celina," My voice was garbled with the sound of cracking. I knew she would be disappointed if she saw me the way that I was. "I just can't..." I really couldn't. Nishan reminded me too much of the people in the high school that found the need to bully me. His attitude, his words, they were an exact replica. They knew just what exactly to say in order for me to forfeit everything and give up.

Give up.

I blinked rapidly, hearing myself. I was at that point where I wanted to give up on everything and just try something else. 

Give up.

But that would mean that all of those tireless interviews that I studied and aced to get the internships that I needed would go to waste. That would mean that all of my hard work, studying endlessly to make sure my GPA stayed above 3.9, the constant bags under my eyes because I stayed up all night making sure I knew all of the terms for my business course and the constant joy that I got when I realized that I was a step ahead and closer to reaching the goal that I had planned ever since I was three years old.

All of that would be gone.

Did I even want that? The answer was hell no. He may have been right about the fact that I didn't know how to run a business yet, but no one more than me had the drive to become that CEO. The only person that could ruin my dreams for me was me. 

With that, I pushed myself off of the walls, wiping away my tears. I took a deep breath, reminding myself of who I wanted to become. "You want to be a CEO, right?" I nodded. "Don't let that bastard tell you that you can't because what does he know?" I mumbled to nothing in particular, feeling all of my dissolved resolve coming back to life. "He doesn't know about my hard work," I shook my head angrily, looking towards the exit. 

Summoning all of the little confidence I had in me, I stormed towards the door, intending to give this man a piece of my mind. I had come too far and endured too much to let someone as pompous as this bastard come in and take over the reins. He didn't know me and he never would. I pushed through the greenhouse door, spotting the tall man just a few feet away. 

"Hey, Ni!" I stuttered, reaching his broad frame as he ran a hand through his locks upon the sound of my footsteps. I hated that I couldn't say his actual name in front of him. To no one's surprise, a roll from Nishan holier-than-thou Lawrence's eyes greeted me as he turned around with a permanent scowl on his face. If he kept that up, he would forget how to smile. I didn't peg him to know positive emotions because like the jackass he was, he always antagonized others. 

"How may I help you, homo?" He raised a brow mockingly and I clenched my fist, anger coursing through me at the sound of the slur. I jolted back, watching him step towards me, his large frame looming over me. He was only five inches taller, but his attitude and his brooding nature made him appear much bigger than that. He looked completely unbothered as he flashed those mismatched eyes onto my own and I was so far gone, that I missed the discreet glance at my lips. 

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