Chapter 2

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After taking a few minutes to fully digest that the two were going to be going on a Californian vacation, Takara began to ask the important questions.

"So, Izaya..." She trailed, ready to reveal if her fiancé truly had everything planned. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow." He sung happily. The girl opened her mouth to speak, but he already knew what she would say. "We're going to be on vacation for about two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" She gasped. "Where in the world did you get the money for this?!"

"I have my sources." He hummed.

"Where are we going? I mean, I know California, but..." She asked thoughtfully.

"Well, we won't exactly be in California the whole time." He began, earning a suspiciously raised brow from the girl. "I would leave it as a surprise, but..."

"I don't like surprises."

"I know." He winked playfully, and she released a chuckle. "We're going to be staying in a beach resort in San Francisco for five nights, and then we're going to fly to Las Vegas for three nights, and -"

"Las Vegas?!" Takara squealed with excitement.

Izaya nodded with a white smirk. "After Vegas, we're going to be in Las Angeles for the rest of the time."


He released a short, uncomfortable laugh uncharacteristically. "Does it sound fun?"

"It's perfect! When did you become so wonderful? I must've missed it..." She joked, but her smile was beaming and her hazel eyes were lit with an excited glow.

His wide grin showed his satisfaction, although he whined, "Meanie..."

The girl retrieved her smartphone from the other side of the bedroom where it had been charging overnight. Overwhelmed with another wave of excitement, she rapidly pounded on the touch-screen keyboard, earning a nosy reaction from Izaya.

"What are you doing now?"

"I want to go shopping."

"Huh?" He sighed in disbelief. "Why do you need to go shopping here? We're going to be in San Francisco and cities like Hollywood and Beverly Hills." He frowned.

"I need stuff." She said as she continued to type, contacting her closest friend. "I'm not going to buy a bunch of clothes and nonsense, but I do need a bathing suit and clothes specifically for the beach -- necessities." She shrugged.

"Since when is a bathing suit a necessity?"

"Since we're going to the beach."

Within minutes, the doorbell to the engaged couple's shared apartment rang. Takara slung her purse over her shoulder and proceeded to answer it as Izaya struggled to understand the logic of a woman. She lightly kissed his cheek on the way to the door, followed by an eccentric greeting with her familiar, headless friend.

She waved to him and called out, "See ya later." With that, she closed the door as she left along with the Dullahan.

Celty typed furiously on her own smartphone, which had replaced her PDA a few months earlier. "Why did you want to suddenly go to the mall? I'm all for it, but it's pretty impromptu."

Takara's smile must have stretched from ear to ear as she explained Izaya's surprise. "This morning, Izaya surprised me with two plane tickets to California."

"No way! That's so exciting!"

"That's not all!" Her stomach bubbled with further excitement. "We're going to a beach in San Francisco, and then to Las Vegas, and then to Las Angeles!" The pitch in her voice became higher as she spoke.

"Since when is Izaya so... perfect?!" It was clear that Celty was envious of the couple's plans. "I need to whip Shinra into shape! Jeez!"

The brunette laughed. "I know. It really surprised me. I could get used to this kind of relationship."

"You better, 'cause you're going to be marrying him."

"True, true."

"Now I know why you wanted to go to the mall. Bathing suits, sundresses, and lingerie."

"Lingerie?!" Takara gasped, and her cheeks reddened upon hearing just how loudly she had shouted. "I don't need that." She silently prayed that Izaya hadn't heard from inside the apartment.

"Don't tell me..." The headless woman waited for her friend to finish her observation, but she just averted her hazel eyes shyly. "You and Izaya haven't had sex?!"

"No, no, no, no!" She squealed, her face flushed with deep embarrassment.

"This is news to me! Even Shinra and I have... I never knew Izaya could be so respectful."

"This is a horrible topic."

"I'm glad I came. You're going to need help."

With a shy gaze, she frowned. "Why do I need lingerie?" She whispered.

Celty appeared to chuckle to herself and merely typed, "Let's go." and handed a helmet over to the brunette.


With the Dullahan's motorcycle driving, it didn't take long to get to the massive Ikebukuro shopping complex. After trying on a few bathing suites in one store and earning the helmet-wearing woman's approval, Takara was dragged into a pink-colored, sparkle and feather-covered store she hand only been into for personal purposes.

However, the racks and boxes that Celty was searching through were ones she had never even considered looking at before.

"Why am I worried that you may be more perverted than Izaya...?" She groaned and bit her lip with concern over the articles, offering little coverage, that the woman was picking out.

She ignored the brunette's worries as handed her the pieces she chose before typing, "Try these on. I will be the one to decide if you should get them or not." If the headless girl had a face, she would be smiling deviously.

With a regretful sigh, Takara entered the dressing room, and after much trouble trying to figure out how to get the pieces of underwear onto her body, she finally dressed in the first ridiculous outfit. It was ruffled in odd places and blush pink, totally unsuited to the girl.

A gloved hand forced its way through the magenta curtain, bearing a smartphone with the words "Let me see!" displayed on the plasma screen.

"Okay..." The girl agreed with a displeased voice. Celty walked into the dressing room, making sure no one was trying to peak as she did so. She placed her long fingers on the chin of her eared helmet as she examined her friend's clothing.

She quickly determined, "It doesn't suit you or Izaya. He's probably more into the dominatrix thing, so try more black."

"Celty!" Takara shouted defensively, and then lowered her voice to a harsh whisper. "Dominatrix? Seriously? Izaya probably wouldn't care about all this stuff..."

Silent laughter came from the headless woman. "No guy that actually loves you really cares. But it is like a gift back to him, though. And it's fun."

"Celty,you concern me."

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