The Day before the Tournament

Start from the beginning

Everyone except for Izuku flinched at the voice. Not only that a live scene played out before them. Seeing Izuku's body being pressured by the mighty grip on his collarbone. Eraserhead was the one to shout out the same thing from his memory. "MIDORIYA!"

The room fell silent, everyone was caught off guard. Izuku didn't blame his teacher, what he had shown them was the exact scene he remembered but with no fogginess. Only clarity during the whole motion capture.

His sensei regained his composure then Izuku made rounds to let everyone know if they can continue. Seeing the affirmative nods, the teen rinses and repeat the method again.

Doing further into the event, Izuku founded another one after it had defeated him and All Might.

"So the truth comes out now All Might! My, how you have fallen. You were once a pillar of hope and peace. Now, this ghost of the shell is all that remains."

This time the number one hero gritted his teeth. He was angry with himself that such a foe exhausted him. All Might, the one to show a smile in the face of evil, he was furious seeing the weaken state of himself. Fortunately now, thanks to Izuku handing him a senzu bean back at Monday, he would never have to endure that helplessness again.

Izuku looked around again, doing rounds at the expression of each of the pros. Noticing their growing discomfort at the experience itself. "I am going to show you one last one. The one where I made a wager with the villain."

Every hero focused hard at this being the final flashback. Shouta was more or less visibly sweating. The same can be said to All Might. After all, showing them the recent memories of the incident caused their minds to relive it exactly how it was played out for them.

"You interest me boy. I haven't had a good time in centuries...while you're not as strong as your ancestors, you proved to be quite creative. Say why not a little wager? I am feeling quite generous."


"Yes. All you have to do is stay alive for three minutes. You can't block or dodge any attacks. If you do, I will kill your heroes and peers. Even if you die before time is up, the penalty for losing will remain the same. However, if you managed to stay alive and follow my rules, I will spare you and everyone else's lives. The villains except for two of the many will be yours to detain and arrest. How does that sound?"

Izuku felt himself grimace at his state of being. The mindset that held him back during that fight. Making sure he let go of his connection with the present heroes just so they can't see any further.

"Isn't there more?" Snipe asked.

"There is, but the security footage shows the rest of it. Besides...I don't want to remember Nomu killing...." Izuku admitted earning a respectful nod from the marksman. "No need to say, anything kid."

Prolonging silence took place amongst the conference table. The teen was looking around as if waiting for any of his teachers to break the silence. Finally, it was the principal, now shaken. "Before we conclude or continue this meeting, Midoriya would like to ask us any questions."

Izuku gave a thoughtful glance to each of his teacher, the heroes of today's world, and asked them all a single question.

"What now?" Such a simple matter was yet so broad. With the knowledge of the power that Izuku and the mastermind controlling Nomu, the heroes all had similar thoughts.

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