The Day before the Tournament

Start from the beginning

As I understood him, after all, she was a seasoned veteran in this line of work. It's normal for teens to react in such a way after seeing something traumatic. It takes time to ease that trauma and sometimes people just don't recover.

Midnight grasp Izuku's hand, a bit forward? Yes. However, to her, Izuku was in a daze. It didn't seem like he was moving any time soon.

Walking through the halls, Izuku heard the numerous whispers and felt the stares at him and Midnight. Eventually, it subsides once they stopped in front of a conference room.

"Ya hoo! Hey everyone! We have arrived." Nemuri put on a bright smile opening the door with bombastic pleasure. Izuku along with the rest of the heroes sweatdropped at the sight Nemuri softly licking her lips.

The principal was the only one who was enthusiastic about the exaggerated entrance. "Good to have you two. Please Midnight, Midoriya, have a seat." The white-talking animal mix-up gestured to the free chairs.

From where Izuku was sitting, he was at the opposite end of the conference table. Midnight sat to his right and EarserHead to his left.

"Now, Midoriya we are going to ask you some various questions about your experience with Yuuei. Some are overall and some are specific. You don't have to answer any of these if you don't want to and your free to leave the room at any point in time. We strongly suggest you tell us the truth, if you can't you can just not answer the question. In return, you can ask us any questions." Nedzu gave Izuku a smile. This smile was one that Izuku felt somewhat relieved. With nod acknowledging the terms of this meeting, Nedzu was the first to begin.

"Regarding all of what's happening. How has your school life been so far?" The teachers were already notified of Izuku's apparently infamous reputation amongst the girls in his class. It was ridiculous, to say the least.

"It's been alright so far. The classwork and homework aren't that difficult. If that's what you mean."

Nedzu nodded before gesturing Cementoss to ask a question.

"Tell me Midoriya, who are your favorite heroes?" Cementoss asks with a smile. He hoped to get the teen to open up more. Considering he had seen the boy keep to himself more than he should.

"Growing up, it was All Might but there were also many heroes I admired. Just that he left a major impression in my childhood."

With a nod and a booming smile from the person of the topic. All Might gave Izuku a thumbs up. "I am happy I made such an impression on your youth young Midoriya."

Cementoss nodded towards Snipe, one of the physical instructors for Izuku's class.

"Alright Kid, you don't need to answer this one but what is your quirk really? I mean you can fly, shoot beams out of your hands, enhancing your physical capabilities. There is so much I can add, but I won't, and I am not the only one here who is curious."

Izuku felt the shift in the room. He was the main attention but with that question being asked, Izuku figured that if he didn't answer, the heroes would be left in the dark as to what to do against future threats who can wield KI as he can.

"It's not a quirk. My powers stem from the combined efforts of my life energy and spiritual manipulation."

The heroes felt a pause. Midnight was the one to ask. "If it's not a quirk then how come only you can use it?"

"I never said I was the only one who can. Really if you want my opinion, everyone in this room can do it too. With proper guidance and constant training, manipulating one's KI becomes a second nature skill. It's how you much you use it is the problem."

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