15 • the rules

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THE THREE OF them were escorted to Professor Dumbledore's office again by a Gryffindor boy named Neville Longbottom. Neville had round, pinkish cheeks and a clumsy figure. He mostly avoided any of their looks, as if one of them was going to fire a blaster through his head.

McGonagall was standing by the gargoyle once they got there. "Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Longbottom," she acknowledged to Neville. "What class have you gotten next?"

"Potions, Professor," Neville replied with a small voice.

"Well then, you better go there now before Professor Snape deducts House points from Gryffindor again," McGonagall replied, shaking her head slightly. Neville nodded vigorously, and went sprinting down the school corridors without another thought.

"Whew," Han remarked. Leia groaned and slapped him in the stomach.

"Now, as Dumbledore has mentioned in his previous letter," McGonagall said, "He will be meeting you three to discuss your situation, as well as what you have to deal with in Hogwarts." She looked at them through her square spectacles as if X-raying them. She then turned to the gargoyle and said, "Sherbet lemon!"

Just like before, the gargoyle sprung to life, showing a spiral staircase that wound upstairs. Luke went first, then Han and Leia followed. McGonagall stepped in after them.

She knocked on the door thrice before a feeble voice said, "Come in." They entered, and saw Dumbledore sitting on his chair, reading a book, while his pet phoenix Fawkes shook his feathers and pecked on them. McGonagall cleared her throat and said, "Professor Dumbledore, they're ready to meet you."

Dumbledore looked up from his book and smiled thinly. "Thank you, Minerva. You may now leave," he said. She nodded and gave the three of them a final look before leaving the office. "Now," he said, standing up and protruding his wand from his cloak's pocket. He waved his wand and in a half second three chairs with cushions appeared out of thin air. Luke blinked in surprise, not sure if he saw it right. "Please sit down. We'll have matters to discuss."

"This is so cool," Han marveled, relaxing on one of the chairs with his hands behind his back. Dumbledore smiled humbly.

"You're welcome, Mr. Solo. I see that the three of you have stayed here in the Hogwarts premises for about four days now," he said, pacing around the room. "I'm glad that my students have been welcoming for you. So I'm sure that you are well fed with Hogwarts history, and are familiar with the corridors. Right?"

Luke shifted in his seat, remembering all the books Leia forced him and Han to read for research. "Kind of," he replied. "It's such a huge place in here. Maybe we still need student escorts when going around,"

"Is that so?" Dumbledore said. "Well then, I'll make the sixth year prefects help you around thrice a week. You are aware that there are forbidden parts of the castle, am I right?" he stared at them. "If you three are not careful, you could end up with serious death."

Death? That didn't sound good to Luke. He didn't want to die in a foreign place before he could even go home. How did people here get buried, anyway? Beside him, Han shivered and placed a hand on his blaster. "So it is best if you keep out of empty hallways for a while, unless you are with a Hogwarts staff member. But really, please do not. Mr. Argus Filch, the school's caretaker, patrols the hallways, and he may be of help when you need anything.

"As of your stay here, you are the most welcome to stay. Make yourselves at home. The other heads of Houses and I are trying to figure out a way for all of you to go back to your... galaxy," he gave them a small smile. "I have informed the Ministry of Magic, our government, about your presence here. The Department of Transportation are also helping us here. But while you are not going home, you will have to participate in Hogwarts activities in events. Just like the Triwizard Tournament, which will take place tomorrow evening. I'm pretty sure you have made friends with some of the students, like Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and the Granger twins."

"Yes, we have," Luke replied. The government knows they're here? That's both scary and relieving at the same time. Relieving, because at least they can get home a bit earlier, and because their situation is being paid attention to by the government. But that's also the scary part. What will the government do to them?

"We will also advice you to please not use your weapons while here," Dumbledore added, eyeing Han and Leia's blasters, and Luke's lightsaber. "And we would also want you to wear robes and cloaks so that you will be able to blend in easily." Han fidgeted and made a face. "They're not student robes, by the way. They're just wizard and witches robes from Diagon Alley." With a flick of his wand, a stack of robes piled neatly on top of each other appeared again out of nowhere (seriously, how much magic did this place have?!) and landed gracefully on Leia's lap, who stared at it as if waiting for a hidden bomb to explode.

Dumbledore explained and discussed more about Hogwarts rules and regulations, as well as what they're allowed and not allowed to do. Some of them included no venturing to the Forbidden Forest, no going to Hogsmeade without permission, and no roaming around the school corridors beyond nine in the evening. Luke's head swam dizzily in all these statements. It really was hard adjusting to a new world.

Before he knew it, Dumbledore clasped his hands together and said, "Well, that's all for now. Professor McGonagall will be accompanying you again, and she will be doing so for the rest of your stay here." he beamed at them. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Professor," Leia replied politely. Han and Luke mumbled after her.

McGonagall escorted them back to their tent, with Leia holding the stack of robes. Making sure that McGonagall wasn't listening, Han scowled at the robes. "Do we seriously have to wear those?" he whispered. Leia glared at him.

"Han, it's the rules. If you want to adjust to a new place, you have to abide by the rules," she scolded him. Han sighed.

"Says a princess who's born from a political leader in a political planet," he grumbled, folding his arms. "I'm not going to wear that."

Alternate Universes | Star Wars x Harry Potter (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora